Turkey Goes Full Authoritarian, Bans Wikipedia and Twitter

I know there’s a rabbinical Sacks crossover but I genuinely thought there was a bit, just after Oliver described the experience of tripping balls and seeing the most perfect shade of blue, that he said “as a Rabbi, I interpret these ideas as ‘x’”.

I know now that he isn’t a Rabbi but I’m still not completely prepared to admit that I entirely hallucinated that segment.


Drugs are bad, m’kay?


[citation needed].
To be totally honest, I couldn’t have completed my first degree without them. Heck, I know a guy who spent three years out of his tree and then ended up a senior marketing manager for a large pharmaceuticals company - I begin to wonder if this is going the way I meant it to. But my point is that so many young men aged between about 17 and 30 are so messed up with one thing and another that self-medicating with a little cannabis, acid or e is likely to do them a lot less harm than an alcohol habit.

I know I’ve wandered so far off topic that I’ve lost all the signposts. Forgive me, my country is going full Dumpf and I am very sad.


I regret not paying more attention to that post the first time I read it. Well done for a very clever reference. Too clever for my poor old brain the first time round.


Have you heard there’s trials looking into the use of halucinogens to treat depression?


Yes. I am not surprised.


Something, something, Turkey?

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