Um.... what.... aka, this is the dumbest thing I've ever read

Oh, but it’s THEIR kids’ rules. I guess I presumed that these folks don’t believe in equality between their offspring and everyone else’s.


This is a letter from the school she founded…



Just a weird bit of serendipity… about a week or so before this, I suspect I heard someone doing training for stalls or engine cutoff, or some kind of acrobatics. While I was out, I heard a propeller plane several times flying overhead and suddenly cutting the engines for half a minute to a minute or so before throttling back up. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to pinpoint it enough to spot what the plane was doing…


Whoever does the Democratic Agenda branding needs to seriously rethink their messaging. “Critical Race Theory” sounds super negative and downer. How about “Inclusive History” or “The Complete History of the USA” or “History for All” I mean, really, we have to work on this stuff.


What bilge. What they should ask is “Would you date someone you know is an asshole?” It’s not left vs. right anymore, it’s decent people vs. people who have a sign that says “I’m a bastard and I treat people like shit”.


Yes… and no. I’m not sure that the changing what we call the theory would make any difference. Even if we named the theory George, the Republicans would use the same deny-and-disparage strategy they always do to discredit it. So I’m not sure it’s worth the effort to work around their cynical name-calling. It’s probably better to put the work into just telling the truth, as loudly and clearly as possible… but I’m no expert.




Um, welllllll…I’m guessing that folks who push that kind of putrid propaganda don’t ever think that they are um, PEOPLE?

And that they could be dead themselves of any number of communicable diseases had they not been vaccinated against them as children or teens? I got chicken pox when I was 25 because I didn’t have it as a kid (had two diff. kinds of measles and was vaxxed - go figure, but that what 1969 or so) and my son brought it home when he was 5. It was NOT fun (though having an UTI at the time and stomach flu didn’t help).


He also mentions it being “part of evolution”. Which is reliant on survival of the fittest. There’s no “supposed to” in evolution. If humans engineer a way to outcompete a virus and prevent it from killing people, that is also evolution.




There was a hearing today in MI over whether/how much to sanction the lawyers in one of the Kraken cases trying to get Biden’s election tossed. Every lawyer whose name showed up in the case was “invited” to attend as the focus of the hearing, so Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and others were there. If you want to pull out the popcorn and read play-by-plays from lawyers who were watching, two are here and here.

It’s still going to be weeks before there’s an outcome, but the hearing did not seem to go well for Trump’s lawyers. Lin Wood, in particular, had an exchange with the judge near the end that sounded like he was extremely close to being hit with contempt right then and there. But, the dumbest thing is probably what happened immediately after the hearing, which both viewers and participants were warned they should not share screenshots or video recordings of:


Hahaha, no way - the weather’s more likely to be better in one of those places.

The whole thing…


yes, diseases are “supposed to” mutate and get more virulent, and it’s quite possible that they will “wipe out” people who don’t get vaccinated.


I feel like if you got all the Trumpist lawyers into one room and tasked them with writing the alphabet, they’d get no further than G before all the crayons would have been eaten.


Y’know, it’s been said that by “fittest”, Darwin meant species that were more likely to successfully adapt to changes in their environments. Not the super-strong or best hunter or blah blah blah blah. I wonder if they know about cockroaches?

(warning: flashy special effects)

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I thought that was a given… it isn’t as though there is one “fittest” that works in every situation. That’s why our species overcoming a new virus, and the virus failing (hopefully) to adapt around our defenses, would both be great examples of it. :wink:

Of course. People like Mr “people are supposed to die” are their less-popular relatives.


Given folks have the critical-thinking skills to know that. Which Mr. Human Cockroach and his um, fellows doesn’t seem to have.

Well, yeah, eventually…I’ve been wrestling with that myself lately and it’s scary (not self-death but dying from something else).