Victory! 🌷💥🎆🎉😎 I'm a Rockstar!

Yes! sweet relief.


I believe “Woot!” Is in order.


Thanks y’all! It’s been a good day.


Resubmitted manuscript when our power came back on after the tornado warnings. Somehow swole my 40 page behemoth paper to 43 pages in peer review. Oops.


Just looked it up. :laughing:


Final grades are in, and all I have to do is one grade adjustment tomorrow for a student who got dropped due to confusion with his payments… there might be another one too, but I don’t know.


Had the junk men come by yesterday to pick up a pile of accumulated crappage. I measured it (in case they wanted an estimate of the acreage), and it was 11’ x 7’, roughly asymmetrically cone-shaped, with the tallest piece about 6 feet high.

What a feeling of relief! I’d started the pile about 4 years ago. :roll_eyes:


That’s approximately 120 to 150 cubic feet of crappage.


You accumulate a cubic foot of crappage every ten to twelve days.


I finally had my pile o’ remodeling crap carted off late March. That was a great feeling. I felt much less “trashy” after having it removed.

Of course…I’m starting on another pile.


Gee thanks!


For the last few weeks there has been something wrong with my left leg. Not sure what I did to it, but I couldn’t walk more than about a mile before it would hurt so bad I had to rest.

Given that I didn’t know what the problem was, I had to spray a cluster of solutions out there just in case something might help, for instance using a USB keyboard instead of literally putting the laptop on my lap, and getting some “new” shoes at Goodwill.

In any case, I noticed yesterday my leg and hip didn’t seem to hurt anymore, and today I took myself out for a four-mile hike to see if I could do it. Problem solved, I guess :partying_face:


As of Monday, my business has an office! I have space in the business incubator, which means the rent is very cheap and because it’s a smaller space, it’s going to stay cheap for 4 years.

On top of that, I have a space to teach group yoga classes, and I am putting on my first workshop in 3 weeks, starting up a relationship with this absolutely gorgeous venue that is usually used for weddings.

I am SO excited. I cannot believe that I am FOR REALZ starting up a business and it’s not just like I’ve done in the past, printed up some business cards and put up a website - but a real business that has all the things in place in need to grow.

and in other news, my old boss and his boss just got fired… so I’m feeling pretty good about where I’m at right now.


About nine miles today, in three pieces, including about 450 feet uphill.* The last two or three miles were not actually part of the plan, but I got lost at one point and then the buses didn’t run as late as I would have liked.

But anyway I guess the feet still work.

∗ google maps has been useful for quantifying these little accomplishments


Adventure begins where the plan ends? I’m glad your pain is better.

Is stretching one of the solutions you tried?

A couple years ago I had pain in my hips so bad I could only hobble. It was really debilitating. After visiting an orthopedist and getting x-rays, it turned out my only problem was that I was tight after a couple decades of working in front of a computer. Stretching was the cure. Now I have a yoga strap and a pack of stretches I do three times a week.


I’m at the point where just getting an interview for a different job is a victory, LOL!

Anyhoo, I have an interview next Monday at 11 a.m. for a Client Liaison position at an attorney’s office. It’s MUCH closer than my current job, and the hours would be in the daytime, I’m guessing, with perhaps some night work.

I was a doofus on the phone, though - said the wrong city for his office when he gave me the address because I associate the street his office is on with one city, lol. I’m sure to do better on Monday. Not at being a doofus, at talking, I mean.


Best of luck!


Thanks! I’ve also submitted an application for being a Bar Trivia Host in Ferndale, MI (a kind of a trendy little town that seems to be getting to the point where one has to have a permit to park on the street in front of one’s own house).


I just registered with RiffTrax.
I suppose it’s about time. I never thought it would last.


Am be-jobbed for now, but it’s a part-time position… Better than nothing?