Victory! šŸŒ·šŸ’„šŸŽ†šŸŽ‰šŸ˜Ž I'm a Rockstar!

So how tall are you now? And will your staff be taller once they get their perms?


Gosh, me in something SPORTY! The last two-door car I had was a 1995 Ford Aspire:

This one actually looks like it couldā€™ve been the one I owned; I bought it off the lot in September 1995 and sold it in the summer of 2006.


His um, other ex-gf bought it for me. DONā€™T ASK. She can afford to be nice to people and she chose me after hearing my story, is what happened.

UPDATE: Sheā€™s also paying for me to get it inspected bumper-to-bumper, as well as insurance ANDā€¦today I went over a bump, carefully, but still - and the exhaust system got loud. SIGH. If itā€™s not one thing itā€™s another, like my dear olā€™ mum used to say!


Manuscript submitted. :dragon:

And the kids ate the dinner I made :shell:


So glad you have wheels again. And people who care enough to get them for you. (hug)


Both are MAJOR victories.


Yeahā€¦but then thereā€™s thisā€¦71568630_10156575010298342_1464920096630636544_n
I got the car and drove it home on Monday evening. This happened Tuesday afternoon (no Moody Blues jokes, pls, lol) after I made a right turn over a bump or pothole. And I was careful, too. The disconnect in the exhaust system is rusted out, not just broken or disconnected. Iā€™ve sent the photo to their FB page in a private message asking if they inspect the exhaust system before they sell a vehicle. Because that shouldā€™ve been glaringly apparent. I was too excited to inspect it myself before it was purchased, moreā€™s the pity.

The lady who bought it is sending me funds for the repairs. Iā€™m going to try and get the most work done for the least amount of money. But the place I go to, Iā€™ve been going there for at least three cars now, so they know me and understand my position.

Addendum: This really sucks, I hope you-all realize that, lol.


Ugh. (Hug)



  1. I got the first check today from the lady who bought me the car; she sent one on Tuesday and one yesterday, the latter should be received tomorrow.
  2. Itā€™s only going to be $120 for the fix to the exhaust system. A new system would be $600. With the new part, the existing system will last another year. And I simply canā€™t wait for a new one to be installed. Plus part of the moneyā€™s to be used for car insurance.

So a delayed win for me. Iā€™ll have the car back tomorrow, and the check willā€™ve cleared.


So, it was $108 for the car. No more noise. Plus, the surplus from the check was used to pay my overdue natural gas bill and the overdue balance on my water bill, and my first monthā€™s car insurance.

Addendum: Also, cash for cat food and maybe some CBD for cats. Luke is arthritic. And cannabis for me, and a b-day present for my son, as heā€™ll be 31 on Monday.


A month ago, one of my best friends had to evacuate from the islands and her home (a fixer-upper that she had put so much work into!) was destroyed by the hurricane. Since then sheā€™s been trying to figure out what to do and Iā€™ve been coaching her along as well as I can, which isnā€™t very good. She now finally has a new home, and everything is finally starting to come together.

It was one of those totally hopeless situations, and long nights of talking through how to deal with things, and expensive (hotel rooms during the downtime, deposit for new place), but we got through it and sheā€™s getting settled into a nice new place today. She also has a job interview tomorrow. So everything is finally looking good and Iā€™m super happy about that!

Iā€™m not the Rockstar here, but I didnā€™t know where else to put this.


So there WAS no second check; my excitement made it easier for me to be confused.


BMI this evening is between 24.39 and 24.75, so I guess I ought to stop worrying about it until spring


Yeah, those digits beyond the decimal point probably arenā€™t significant. :man_teacher:


In March I was canned from my job in engineering. I used the exit money to start up my business.
In August I got a space in the Business INCubator next door to my apartment.
It took me a month to get my studio set up, and then I started selling some private yoga, and a few business coaching packages, but it was still a grind. Iā€™d been networking and networking and networking but it was all just stuff that was in the works and very little actually happening.

Iā€™ve been surviving on raiding my 401k and on unemployment, which will run out soon.

Still, weirdly I am not looking for any paid work.

This week itā€™s just been amazing. I started the week trying to figure out how to pay my rent (barely squeaked it) and with no idea how Iā€™d make next weekā€™s bills. Iā€™m eating up my pantry items because I have not a cent to put toward food.

and thenā€¦

  • I have a workshop scheduled to run at a venue that I have been talking to for months.
  • I have a new business coaching client and it was SUCH a great experience to teach her some skills and feeling so comfortable to help her. She bought a small coaching package.
  • I have an old coaching client who re-upped and told me how much he enjoyed working with me. He bought a big coaching package.
  • I have a yoga student who had an excellent teacher before me who said that no one had believed that she was ready to go into more advanced work and that I was the only teacher who really responded to what she needed in the moment.
  • AND Iā€™ve been asked to be the yoga teacherā€™s business and teaching support for a new online paid membership site, which means Iā€™ll be able to access teachers willing to pay to make a living teaching - and I get 90% of the revenue from the teachers that purchase the program - and they do all the marketing for me.


So happy for all the good stuff.


Great news! Isnā€™t that life ā€“ never rains but it pours, as they say.


So, I went out and sang w/my musical partner at a nice liā€™l coffeehouse in Ferndale, MI called Drifter Coffee:

It went well. I have video of other people, but not of us, lol.

I may go back there this coming Sunday for a ā€œGirl Squadā€ meet-n-greet-type thing. Itā€™s scary for me, because I donā€™t know how alternative the alternative community is any more, though I daresay they couldnā€™tā€™ve gone toooooo far out for even me.


Oh yeah!!! Proud of you birthday girl!