Victory! šŸŒ·šŸ’„šŸŽ†šŸŽ‰šŸ˜Ž I'm a Rockstar!

Thatā€™s the one.


First I heard of it was also in college, where some guys in the games club liked to sing ā€œHe was a Marioā€ to a guy named Mario (naturally). I had to ask what it was about.

Rather non-PC song I guess.


First Studio Album, but there is the ā€œHardcore Eraā€ which has been been made available through the ā€œHard Coreā€ albums released in the early 1990ā€™s. They also did the Hard Core Live tour in 2014 which featured these songs.

I believe the ā€œHard Coreā€ name is due to the fact that you really need to be a Hard Core fan to enjoy them.


Indeed. The whole album defies you to listen to it in a variety of ways.


I remember listening to that record on my parentsā€™ stereo when I was growing up. I liked it, but I didnā€™t know why. It was different from the Beatles or the Beach Boys for sure.


I like the regular (one might say mechanical) rhythms and odd melodic structure. Back in the day the creative use of synthesizers was unusual. But as usual with lyrics (and poetry) the words tends to go over my head! Though I do gather the overall message of society going backward.


Absolutely! They speak to both the scene in Ohio and out in a LA.


One stop closer to writing this book thingieā€¦ I responded to reviews, and the editor wants to move forward, so heā€™s writing up a contract that heā€™ll send along soonā€¦



Eeeeeeeee! :partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::sunglasses::partying_face::partying_face:


I happened across something tonight that has kinda shaken me up, and left me confused but feeling awesome.

Over half a decade ago, I worked a job with a manager who I got along with okay personally (though we had very different backgrounds), but we had some significant clashes professionally. She was an extreme stickler for punctuality - like ā€œIf your buttā€™s not in that chair by 0830, then youā€™re tardy and thatā€™s a write-up, I donā€™t care if you had to work until 0300 on calls with the team in India, you have to be back here in that chair by 0830. And we have to work late tonight, so if you donā€™t cancel your family plans youā€™re not a team-player.ā€ Needless to say it ended not on a happy note, but in one of those 1650 on a Friday meetings in the HR office. Where it was kind of a diplomatic race to see whether she told me she was firing me before I told her quit.

Much to my surprise, here we are, half a decade later, and I get a notification. Sheā€™s posted publicly a letter of recommendation that is among the best Iā€™ve ever received. Glowing praise for stuff that I did years ago, and how I worked with her, and got things done on time no matter what, and all that.

I had no idea that she actually thought I was great. I would never have asked her for a recommendation. I mean, she fired me. For not being on time. And then half a decade later, completely unprompted, my nemesis published a wonderful reference letter about how I got things done on time. :rofl:


A very strange attitude, in my opinion.


Iā€™ve read about this happening - most often, it seems to happen in the military, but it does occur in the corporate and industrial sectors - but Iā€™ve never actually KNOWN someone (or if i have iā€™ve since forgotten) to whom this has happened!

In some accounts, the hardass actually tells the person theyā€™ve been riding so hard that they did it because HA knew the person was good and wanted them to stay that way, that sort of thing.


So this is really minor, but it made my day. Just over a month ago a writer who does RPG books for a somewhat niche audience (solo and small group RPGers) decided to take a stab at creating a Patreon. Her initial idea was just to post stuff like things she was thinking of including in upcoming books; I didnā€™t think many people would sign on for that.

I suggested instead a zine with ideas about theme, tone, genre, tropes, how to convert between genres, adventure and plot seeds, structure and story arcs, etc. The mailing list ate it up, and she actually liked the idea herself, said she had a lot of material that had accumulated over the years and didnā€™t really fit into any of the books, and also that it reminded her of the good old days of getting Dragon magazine.

So now, thereā€™s a new magazine. In one month, she put together a zine at professional quality level, with full-color illustrations, professional layout, etc. And used one of my suggestions as the prime topic. Itā€™s a small thing, but I feel like I helped inspire it, and now itā€™s a real thing. I hope it does well. and | Home if you might be interested in that sort of thing. The first zine is about handling ambiguous stuff and NPC interactions, and itā€™s worth a few bucks. Also the original thread if youā€™re curious: | Patreon


I dunno if itā€™s a victory per se, but my son made some art. Itā€™s somethinā€™


I love all the interpretations my imagination is coming up with, ones Iā€™m sure your son didnā€™t intend, other than it being the Lolrusā€™s cousin, Glamrus.

(I was gonna use the word ā€œGlitterā€ but with ā€œusā€ it would come out sounding, um, weird.)




Whisper ā€œGlitterusā€.


I love it. Itā€™s straight up outsider artā€¦


I emailed the Macomb County Treasurer, or whoever answers their messages sent via their website, about my situation with my property taxes. No answer yet. I just have such a hard time dealing with these folks on the phone, not just due to phone issues, but being on hold gives my anxiety levels a chance to soar.

And I oiled the squeaky hinges on the front door, which needed to be done, like, before my mom died in 2016.


I went to Menards and not only did they have everything to was looking for I remembered two things not on my list that Iā€™ve been forgetting for ages.

Also, when my partner be moaned the fact she was hungry, not only did I come up with a suggestion, I had all the ingredients and she thought it sounded good. (BLT for the curious)

After the last few days, this is rockstar level for me.