Voter Suppression Alert 🚨

Taking bets on how quickly the appeals come in…

Georgia officials will appeal a judge’s order for lawmakers to draw new political maps with additional majority-Black districts in certain areas but won’t seek to put the ruling on hold in the meantime, paving the way for a special session later this month.

Interesting choice.


I voted yesterday.


Youngkin ‘purge’ removed nearly 3,400 legal Virginia voters from rolls


The appeals court panel’s ruling notes that if the state legislature does not pass a new map by mid-January, the lower court should move ahead to a trial in order to finalize a map in time for the 2024 elections. The panel says the court could give “limited additional time” to lawmakers. Any major delays could risk not having a redistricting plan in place by late May, when the state has said it needs a final map to prepare for elections.


The Politically GA podcast has been doing analysis on the maps…

The most recent one was about the congressional maps and my rep. Lucy McBath… it’s starting to feel like the GOP has it out for her…


And not because of anything specific. The applications just… vanished?


It’s so frustrating because it doesn’t have to be that way. When I moved to NJ and applied for a NJ driver’s license, I checked the box for voter registration, and shortly after, I got it in the mail. Then, before the first election after I registered, I got a notice about voting by mail. I did that, and it said that I would then be sent a mail in ballot before every election and I wouldn’t have to re-sign up for that or anything. I would just remain in the system to be sent a mail in ballot until I told them otherwise. And they have. Even after I moved to a different township. And there are drop boxes for mail in ballots all over the place. Registering to vote, and voting itself, doesn’t have to be hard. And it shouldn’t be. And where it is, as in Texas, there is one and only one reason, and it’s in the name of this thread.


Good. But it’s interesting that this happened at the Tim Curry Justice Center. At least justice was served despite it being Tekzass.


In a 125-page opinion, the state’s highest court affirmed a lower court’s ruling that the four laws, passed in the wake of Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss, violate the state constitution. The laws had ended same-day voter registration, removed student ID cards as a permissible form of voter ID, prohibited third parties from returning ballots and barred the distribution of mail-in ballots to voters who would turn 18 by election day.


Under Georgia law, voter challenges must be heard. And remember, Richards says he intends for county boards of elections to use Eagle AI to check those challenges.

That raises a real possibility of county boards fact-checking Eagle AI-generated voter challenges with Eagle AI.

Marisa Pyle of the group All Voting is Local, which supports expanded voter access, said that is a problem.

“It’s an ouroboros of, sort of, disinformation at this point,” Pyle said.


The law is the latest measure from Republican state lawmakers to bolster scrutiny of the voter rolls since the 2020 election when Biden won by just under 12,000 votes. It outlines guidelines for voter challenges — a process through which regular citizens can challenge other voters’ eligibility.

The law says that if a challenger finds a voter is registered to a “nonresidential” address, that would be sufficient for election officials to uphold the challenge.