Wanderthread Redux (Part 1)

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:musical_note: Laaa-aaand of the freeeeeee… :musical_note:

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:musical_note: Cops of the world… :musical_note:

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Not impotence, not incompetence: active and enthusiastic collaboration.

This applies to the rank and file supporters as well as the party bureaucrats and elected officials. The only way to avoid seeing the bipartisan nature of US racism is through sustained wilful ignorance.

A tactical, defensive vote for one party or the other is sometimes justifiable. Actually supporting any of these white supremacist institutions is not.

Collective punishment. Mass terror as a means to maintain social domination.

Sound familiar?

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Voting for Democrats has, for the last several decades, largely consisted of endorsing and institutionalising 90% of whatever the previous Republican did. Last year’s existential horror becomes the new normal, rinse and repeat.


I can’t track down the context, because it’s Shitter.

If it refers to the biblical character, then there are questions about what to do with old names.

If it refers to the state, then it’s bull.