Someone just assassinated the US-backed and extremely crooked President of Haiti.
No idea who yet, but I’d guess it was local actors rather than foreign agents.
Sydney just announced that they’re closing the schools again. As a (rather belated) response to 350 cases.
OTOH, now seeing claims that the assassins were Spanish speaking, which argues against them being Haitian.
The grotesque overfunding of the police/prison/military complex in the USA & the impoverishment of pretty much every other part of US society: these are not parallel facts, they are intersecting facts.
If the leadership of any US adversary country had behaved as Moïse did, how would it have been reported by the US press and “human rights” QUANGOs?
He’s overthinking it, though. It isn’t about USSC precedent.
It’s about a plutocratic white supremacist police state.
She sabotaged a pipeline, harming no people.
The world has been screaming “Yankee go home” for a century, all while bipartisan Americans studiously avoid examining why variations on this phrase are so prevalent.
Guess what comes up if you search for that phrase on Wiki?
Nothing to do with material reality, it’s all just irrational prejudice.