Wanderthread Redux (Part 2)


“actual analyze”?

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Poor people able to afford housing = “grim impact”.


Imagine if those same folks could purchase houses.

“But at what cost?”

Why the miners at Blair Mountain failed:

That is straight-up “Black people should be thankful for slavery”.

The Daily Heil carried the initial report, but the story appears legit.



This looks like it coulda been lifted from “Raiders of the Lost Ark” or something, like it was a cut scene.

And it’s not just creepy; it’s horrific.


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as a side note, I’ve read that the Natives who sold the island weren’t even the "owners - it belonged to another tribe. dunno if it’s true.

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I remember this being a big hit in Detroit at the time of its release.

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Oh, that’s a toughie
lemmee think
the USA?

oh dear, I just glanced at it, didn’t see the masthead

Afghanistan? China? North Korea? (i await your answer, i will not look it up)