
Well I thought the show wasn’t bad:

  1. MSM hurricane coverage hiding important issues with useless on the site reporting
  2. A very good segment about DACA and Kobach (a second very good segment about Kobach)
  3. Explicitly says Life After Hate and counter protest is needed

I mean, none of those things are counterproductive because it doesn’t condemn antifa or anything… oh I see it now. You shoudl have linked to her twitter then.

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she’s never going away because some people still think that a woman can’t do a boogieMAN’s job.


You guys should adopt our current “medical bankruptcy for all” system and THEN you can tell us about how healthcare reform is not really important.

You misunderstand me.

Healthcare is a basic human right, and American healthcare is barbaric. Universal healthcare is a primary post-revolutionary issue.

But there is almost no possibility of useful reform of any issue in the current reality. There is, however, an urgent need to unify the left in genuine opposition to fascism.

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I’m torn on drones over the border. Obviously unarmed drones would save many people crossing the border’s lives, just like the border patrol’s mission before it went full but job military force under Bush. The process of giving water and shipping people to court for ambesty hearings is the right thing to do for security and humanity, and gathering those people up is a priority so they don’t just die in the crossing.

However, like everything else, you can easily strap a gun on it and kill whoever the fuck you want to and we have a lot of people with itchy trigger fingers.

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They’ll start by hunting undocumented Americans, but they won’t stop there.

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Pro-antifa memes are getting 20+ likes over at BB these days. So that’s a good sign.

Folks are awake, just have to stop them from slipping off to sleep again. Crap like this non-existent deal to protect the Dreamers is aimed squarely at restoring complacency amongst liberals.

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Signs that the Clinton coverage may fade soon:

Have you never seriously shopped for books before?

This is how B&N sells its discount card. Target doesn’t discount hardcover bestsellers quite as much because its “guests” don’t prepay for the privilege.

Bookstores love to discount bestsellers-- probably because they receive a kickback from the publisher.

The discounts for remaindered books are much much steeper. “$5 for a hardback by a favorite author? Yes Please. Oh wait. I already have this. pass”


Yup! Borders/Waldenbooks had the same strategy. The top 20 hardcover bestsellers were 30% off, though if you had the Loyalty card/membership, you got 40% off. Major new book releases were often 20% or 30% off right out of the box, and Hillary’s book would definitely qualify for that. Publishers don’t mind, they might make less per book but sell a higher volume of the discounted titles. So please don’t take that sale as a sign of lack of interest. It’s simply typical loss-leader discounting strategy.


Library, second-hand store, charity bin, pulp paperback. New hardcovers were usually out of my price range.


I hear you. Sounds more like my book budget these days. I read more, and better, when I used to work in bookstores. (Employee discount, book loan program, how I miss you… :cry: )

Though I don’t remember if there were Borders in Australia so that might have been more of a US strategy anyway. :wink:


Hayes is still an idiot, and Coates is much too soft and forgiving.

Describing Trump as a white supremacist should not be framed as a controversial, extreme position. If anything, it severely minimises the reality of Trump’s fascism.