
Josh Barro continuing to be a pathetic turd:

Surprisingly little media buildup for this:


Narrative summary:

  • Older white lady stands in front of police, police shield charge.
  • OWL turns to flee, trips.
  • Black bloc type steps forward and tries to help her up before she gets trampled.
  • Police attack and pepper spray BBT, trample OWL.
  • OWL is then arrested, handcuffed behind her back.
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No offense, but I’m really sick of eugenicist slurs.

Was your problem with Podhoretz’s use of the word “moron”?

It’s outdated psych terminology that has been used in a eugenicist context in the past, and is being used as a slur here, but the connection of those two points is not one that I’d make.

“Moron” is not a word that I frequently use myself, but I do tend to throw “idiot” around fairly freely. The two terms have similarly problematic histories.

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I try to avoid all the terms on that scale. My problem is with any use of that word, given its past use in forced sterilization campaigns, and the continuing violence against disabled people.

And by using the suggestion of intellectual disability as an insult, Podhoretz implies intellectually disabled people don’t deserve respect.

I understand what you’re saying and why you say it, but I believe that Podhoretz intended the term to refer to people behaving foolishly rather than intellectual disability.

They are terms with a problematic history, and it’s a history that deserves more attention than it receives.

I doubt that you’d have much luck in discouraging those terms without providing adequate substitutes for the non-clinical colloquial uses, though. We do require language that allows for forceful condemnation of foolish or destructive behaviour.

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Y’all get that “agitators” is not normal police language in a democratic state?

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