
Maggie’s most recent tweets: a demonstration of how to read cryptofascism with an appropriate degree of cynicism:

Leftist protestors are dangerous, destructive thugs

This is politics as usual, and it’ll be over soon. Relax, liberals.

Spreading dissension amongst the left

Business as usual, spreading dissension. Relax, liberals, Chuck and Nancy will make a deal so long as you don’t let those socialists mess it up.

Superficial criticism of Trump. Gives credibility to Maggie, makes Trump look tough to some readers, ridiculous and non-threatening to others.

The hurricanes were no big deal, everything is fine. It was Houston’s own fault they got whacked.

Associating all resistance to Trump with the Juggalos

The Pope has been critical of Trump. Discredit him and the Church.

Hordes of immigrants are waiting to invade.

China is evil, not like us. Whatever Trump does to them is justified.

Those are literally the most recent tweets, grabbed just now; I didn’t wait for a particularly juicy collection. Maggie’s always like this; any individual tweet is defensible, but overall…

A group called “People for Bernie” is upset that “the media” is centering Bernie in their coverage.

This is the same issue I was pointing out about Hillary Clinton: If you want her to go away, stop using her as a boogeyman. If you want people to focus on the good you’re doing, rather than on Bernie Sanders, maybe don’t center your organizational identity on him?

I hear what you’re saying, and I don’t disagree.

I do have an alternate take, though.

There is a currently a civil war happening within the Democratic Party between the Corporate Dems and the Bernie Wing. The CD won the primary via controversial means; the BW mostly swallowed their outrage and worked for the good of the country during the campaign.

After the election, the BW attempted to reform the party into something that could resist Trump. The CD fought this ferociously, succeeded in stalling any reform, then moved on to accelerating collaboration with the fascists.

As the situation worsened, the BW decided that there was no hope of ever getting the CD to behave sensibly. So, they’ve launched a campaign to take over the party and salvage what they can from it.

The urgency of this task is driven by a need to unify the left before the crisis hits. There does not appear to be any chance that the CD will ever be anything but a treacherous hindrance. Most of the effective resistance is in the streets with BLM/DSA/etc, but the resources and state-level power of the Democratic Party are still needed.

The CD and BW are no longer attempting to convert the other side into a voluntary alliance; they’re both going for the kill.

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I don’t disagree with this, but there’s a war for good reason. I don’t like the Bernie people because I don’t like Bernie. He tried to win without women, and he couldn’t. I can’t support them if they keep centering Bernie because we need to rebuke his message: we need abortion on demand, no Hyde-ing. Not abortion optional if you bro-down with Bernie enough.

How did they do this? I haven’t seen this.

I think the Democrats should smash and grab and get whatever they can. If they can protect DACA without a wall, I think they should try.

Accurate. I’m hoping that these folks replace the Bernie folks with actual effective leadership rather than taking every opportunity to neener-neener women about our ability to get pregnant.

The CD ignore or oppose class issues; the BW usually do not ignore, but do undervalue race and gender issues. Neither are perfect.

Bernie’s still a figure because he’s established in the Senate, influential amongst the Dems, and has name recognition. The DSA kids really aren’t focused on Bernie; he’s nowhere near left wing enough for them.

But since there isn’t time to rush a young socialist into the Senate, Bernie is what they have. I don’t expect him to have much of a role post-revolution, but he’s still a valuable asset for now.

Bernie’s endorsement of the forced-birther candidate was a definite and major fuckup. He has a point with his objection to the CD fondness for screw-the-poor pro-choice candidates; those are not acceptable either. But the answer to that isn’t to sell out women, it’s to find good pro-choice socialists.

There wasn’t much to see, because most of it got squashed. It was primarily focused on getting more leftists into the party, to lead reform from within. The attempt to get Keith Ellison into the DNC chair, the assorted Bernie-endorsed candidates, Bernie’s national tour that Perez gatecrashed, etc.

Plus, I expect, a lot of back room scheming and manoeuvre as the factions fought for the loyalties of the established legislators and activists,

It was not a huge success; it was probably inadequate from the beginning, and the CD crushed any chance it might have had anyway.

The wall is symbolic; it doesn’t really matter if it’s built or not, because it’s just a useless white elephant.

OTOH, the massive expansion and militarisation of ICE and the Border Patrol (which Schumer is offering to trade for a handful of magic beans) is an existential threat to the country.

Protecting the DACA kids is a moral imperative, yes. But you can’t do it by collusion. Trump is using them as hostages, and will renege on any deal as soon as he feels like doing so.

Fortunately, the DSA kids seem to be hyper-aware of the dangers of brocialism, and are working hard to resist it. I’d need to be inside the party to tell how much is real vs PR, but they certainly appear to be woke as fuck.



Media waking up:

Notice the Like on my comment? That was from Slate’s Virginia Heffernan:

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i doubt that she thinks of the democrats as fascist.

Well, no. Obviously.

Am I missing something? Feeling a bit Aspie.

umm, you’ve said some not so nice things about clinton, pelosi, schumer…

Well, yes. The right wing of the Dems are a pack of blatantly corrupt plutocratic bastards who are currently engaging in catastrophic collaboration with fascism. IMO, anyway.

But they’re not the majority, and never will be again. Impeachment is not within their power.



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The continuing socialist awakening of Matt Yglesias…

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DSA working on intersectionality and race:


Most white liberal Americans seem to understand that the PoC communities are justifiably angered by the oppression they face.

But I get the feeling that most of them have absolutely no idea about just how ferociously fucking enraged the American working class is.


Some history:

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