


i suppose you should read the whole interview::

on the other hand, “moderate” republicans during the 1980s really did launch the inequality movement into high gear.

this was in 2012, after the election. so hostile house, democratic senate.


Reinforcing some of the things I’ve said upthread about liberals and the Overton window:

To me, a traditional US liberal is still pretty right wing. Ideologically, they’re fairly similar to the mainstream Australian right that I’ve spent my whole life working against. Not “the enemy”, but people that I disagree with and oppose.

A Reaganite is extremely right wing. A Bush-era Republican is “holy fuck, what is wrong with you people?”. A Trump-era Republican is “sorry Grandad, looks like we’ve gotta go stomp Nazis again”.

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Billy got it backwards.


Summarised version of that: don’t read the media as journalists, read them as propagandists. Regardless of what they write, ask: who does this serve? What ideas does it promote? Would a partisan propagandist for either side see any benefit from the promotion of those ideas?

Of course, if the answer to that last question is suspicious, that doesn’t automatically mean that you’re dealing with a fascist. But it does raise a warning flag, and it is then a good idea to have a look at a wider sample of their output.

Any competent crypto will throw in some ideologically ambiguous camouflage, but if you look at the overall pattern for long enough you can usually spot the rats.

It’s always going to be a Bayesian gut thing rather than a mathematical proof, but it’s still a useful thing to do. The risk of an occasional false positive needs to be balanced against the risk of giving fascism room to operate.

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Fucking hell.

Is there some epidemic of rampaging trans vigilantes that I’m not aware of?


Rocketman and Golfghazi might just be Trump having a douchespasm, but they do look suggestively like deliberate trolling distraction. How is the GOP healthcare repeal reboot coming along?


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Apparently there was a gendercrit speech in London, and pro-trans protesters, someone decided to come up and photograph the protesters, a fight broke out, and of course gendercrits denounce it as male violence.

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“Unknown substance” AKA paint.

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Acute mental illness, murdered. All the cops had to do was take a step backwards.

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Nicely done old poster: