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Yeah, I’d fire him too.
Thank you!
Earthquake in Maine.
No. (She’s an amazing mom.)
Amazing. St. Olaf in Rose’s manuscript is perfection.
Needs a tank unit reskinned to look like a mobile fridge overladen with cheesecake.
I know next to nothing about either the Golden Girls or (I’m assuming) Warhammer, yet I find this delightful.
There’s a lot of lore involved with 40k, but the cliff notes of the cliff notes is that the universe of 40k is dark, depressing and hopeless. Humans are at the brink of extinction fighting against… everything? (demons, aliens, other humans, robots, etc). And humans are portrayed as holding out against the forces of evil except they are also the bad guys, but also most everyone in the setting is problematic, evil, selfish, hungry for power, desperate for survival or some combination of all of the above. The setting is often labeled as “grimdark” because everything about the setting is a downer, and even when someone has a victory it comes at a cost, and if somehow they do ok ultimately they will not meet a good end.
Sounds bad, but there is plenty of compelling story telling. I’ve not touched the TTRPG at all but i have watched a good amount of lore videos, i enjoy it quite a bit but if one were to spend any amount of time really analyzing the setting you’d see what a bummer it is.
Then again plenty of settings are like that. Lovecraftian stories, Dark Souls, Mad Max, Walking Dead, etc.
Just grim? I’m only trying it if it’s grim and dark (full disclosure, I can’t stomach any more grimdark media).
The Golden Girls was wonderful, in its time. I don’t know if it would hold up now, or if the humour would seem dated. Three single women in their fifties, and the mother of one, all living together in one house for company and financial reasons.