Reminds me of the sign outside a print shop that I used to pass on my way to work; the name of the shop, per the sign, was “Perferred Printing”
That’s where I got my dog printed.
It sounds like he wants to do the time from the resurrection to his ascent into heaven? But WTF!
Do you think Gibson thinks Ivermectin is a psychedelic?
Or a floor wax and a dessert topping?
What kind of cancer?
It’s been reported to have some results for squamous cell cancer. At least the google lists some early stage studies. But there’s already other treatments that are approved for that.
My spouse used to drive past a tattoo place whose name was “YOUR SO COOL”
What’s a “so cool”?
I’m looking for an awesome tattoo, like the one my friend got here. One with, um, no words in it.
“I’d like a tattoo of a demon.”
The Harrowing: Passion II
Jesus is back, and now He’s angry.
Hell is in for a Hell of a time.
Fr9m the comments:
As Naomi Klein explains in a book about (among much else) being constantly confused for that asshole, Wolf doesn’t believe the shit she spews. Like so many commentators on the right, it’s a grift.
I’d probably watch that…
Flashback! One of my mother’s favorite lines, back when I was about 10 or 11 years old, was “Jesus is coming, and boy, is He pissed!”
A bumper sticker I saw about 20 years ago:
“Jesus is coming. Look busy.”
Definitely a buying opportunity.
You can corner the market for a buck three eighty.