I have a feeling we’ll have plenty of stories to fit here.
It was nice knowing all you USA people.
Silver lining?
Heighten those contradictions!
No need, these days. They heighten themselves.
i tend to think that is hopelessly optimistic. i regard this as a prelude to the dismantlement of the welfare state in the u.s. and a return to the period 1870-1928.
Whereas I think that is overly optimistic.
Climate can’t wait…
…and the empires of a hundred years ago did not have this:
The Trumpists are charging towards full-throttle unrestrained fascism, and they are not isolationists.
It’s at crisis point, either way. Either there’s a socialist revolution in the USA, or the USA kills the world.
Fuck 'em all.
I don’t believe that, sadly.
This is a pretty good analysis:
And more analysis from the Guardian:
Fucks grad students but repeals the Johnson Amendment and installs language in federal law that fetuses are people.
Exactly. It’s Stockholm Syndrome. People will identify with those fucking them over, and take their aggressions out on the “takers”, aka those in the same position they’re in.
I guess I’m back to hating McCain again.
You mean we were supposed to stop hating him?
But won’t ever put in language admitting that women are people.
I thought there was hope for him when he gave McConnell the ol’ pollice verso.