Well, fuck

She lives in the basement, which is already the coolest part of the house. But yeah, “turn a fan on” is my next suggestion.

Just blew my mind that she would even suggest using a space heater in June. I could barely even respond to that because it was just so far out of the realm of sensible. Like “just wrap yourself in play-doh” would’ve made more sense.


A friend just installed a heat pump with the “mini-split” system for the upstairs apartment of his house. It’s pretty slick. The outside unit hangs on the wall and heats / cools by sending refrigerant to the condenser / evaporator things mounted between the ceiling joists. Pretty easy to install. Separate thermostat and living area.


We just heard a speech from the new CEO. He definitely sounds like someone who was involved in cryptocurrency.


It’s this guy, by the way:

He definitely seems like the type who would drive a Cybertruck.


I have a meeting with HR on Monday. It might just be to explain the new organization since my manager left, but with all the firings going on for the past year I just can’t be sure.


Good luck!

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Well, I had my meeting with HR today. It was basically what I expected. If you’re going to be fired, you don’t get a meeting notice for the next week, they kick you out on the spot.

No, this was a meeting that involved the HR above HR. It was the guy who OKs all year-end bonuses. He wanted to sit down and have a nice friendly chat to find out what it is that I do, and to let me know that we need to find new ways to economize.

So, in other words — I’m not fired yet, but they’re working on it.

See, now that my manager left a few weeks ago there is no one to tell him what I do and that I am literally the only person in the company who knows how to do it. And she is not going to be replaced either. That is another aspect of the economization.

I knew this would happen. That’s why I said I would dust-off my resume. Now I’m ramping it up to actively finding a new job.

I went into that job grateful for only a couple weeks of temp work. I’vebeen there seven years.



So. I just found out through another person that someone that I thought was my friend was actually misrepresenting himself and lying to me for years.

Put it this way, he’s in county jail due to having two felony warrants out on him, not sure for what, but sort of have an idea. This is recent, btw.

I’m so tired of being nice to people and being used because they know I’m easy pickings. I am so tired of it. It makes me wonder what other people whom I’ve thought were my friends might be hiding from me.

Now more than ever, I don’t want to get close to anyone.


There’s a lot of research showing that women are comfortable at different temperatures than men.


ADEME recommends a temperature that doesn’t exceed 17ºC (62.6 ºF)


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Uh… I see this:

ADEME suggests an ideal temperature of 19 ºC (66.2 ºF)

Oh… different recommendations, that’s the one for bedroom. I’d love for our bedroom to be closer to 62F at night, would make falling asleep much nicer. Summer weather sleeping is a total pain, and I’d rather curl up in a blanket if I get cold than the hot-weather alternative.


Oh, I missed that. I’d freeze going to the bathroom! And I’d need another mattress on top of me.

Air conditioning is the problem, not the solution.

women preferred rooms at 25ºC (77 Fahrenheit), while men are more comfortable at (21.6ºC).

Nonsense. The women I know all prefer to be refrigerated. Personally, I like it to be warm enough to actually feel my skin. I’m the one turning the heat up.

Of course, part of that might be that I’m a southerner living up north among yankees.


Yes, it’s called marriage and single-control electric blankets.

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And do they factor in humidity? I personally can’t deal with more than fifty percent humidity.


Yeah, humidity’s been particularly high here lately to the point where at night it hits 95-100% and everything is just damp. Drops during the heat of the day though, down to around 50%, which is good.