Well, fuck

My son & I were at Meijer mid-evening yesterday, and whilst not looking where I was going, I ran into a freestanding metal poster frame, and went down, BOOM! The good news: I’m okay, for the most part. Bad news: This is the less part, lol - I injured my right wrist as it bore my weight when I hit the floor. It’s not broken, or I wouldn’t be able to type. I’ve been icing it and taking ibuprofen. But I am getting better at using my left hand for tasks I usually perform with my right hand.


My sympathies.

I can relate – I fell out of bed yesterday morning. Dreaming I had to get away from someone. No injuries though, just banged up a bit.

Get better soon.


… now you have to record one of those “woke up this morning” blues songs


Thank you! Though forcing myself to do so is sometimes necessary,


For sure.

I worry I have RBD.

Isolated or idiopathic RBD happens when the condition develops spontaneously without an underlying cause. Most people with idiopathic RBD will eventually develop a neurodegenerative condition — specifically, Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body dementia or multiple system atrophy (MSA). These conditions are called alpha-synucleinopathies.


Remember my meeting with HR back in June where I had to explain what I did? On Friday I had a meeting with one of the new executives brought in to reform the company at that time.

She explained to me that as the company is being reformed — “Meridian 2.0” was actually how she phrased it — there needed to be a consistent branding style for all the documents and financial tables the company submits to clients and lenders. I was confused at this point. The work she was describing is exactly what I have been doing every freaking day for the past 7 years.

So I politely asked “are we not doing that now?” She mournfully shook her head.

As the conversation continued, she realized I might be referring to something of which she was not aware. So I described my work, which I do for all the brokers’s bank submissions, for all the company’s conventions, and for all meetings with prospective clients.

She has been in the company all summer, and has had no idea what the public face of the company actually is.


The Peter principle at work.


Do not read if you are too bothered by descriptions of animal cruelty. Also avoid if you don’t want to be irrationally but justifiably angry.


By this Friday I will be the entire marketing “team.” And they’re not giving me that much to do these days.

For comparison, before the pandemic there were 9 of us - including 2 managers - and we were working frantically.


I just got the foreclosure bill notice today; and to rub salt into my wounded pride, they sent a copy under my legal name and one to “Occupant”

Sooo, now that I can have a Paypal account withOUT having a bank account, I can set up a fundraiser on my own; and the creditors who are after me can’t do anything about it - yay!

But boo that I have to create a fundraiser *at all.

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DO NOT DONATE! I have to have a verified bank account - and I don’t.

if you happened to share the fundraiser, please spread the word. thank you!


Keep us posted.


Can you just get a Cash App or Venmo account and ask people to send to those? With my GoFundMe, a lot of people prefer to use those apps because there are fewer fees and it’s less of a hassle for them.


The Macomb County Treasurer’s office only accepts credit/debit cards and electronic checks for online payments.

However, it appears that I can send money to my son on Paypal, who does have a bank account. So I guess what I can do is ask folks to send whatever they can afford and/or share my account email, which is loegria15@gmail.com.

I. HATE. doing. this.


Copied from my Facebook post (with friends only):

Good news! I can move funds out of my personal Paypal account to my son’s Paypal account, and he can move them to his bank account! So: If you or someone you know and trust wishes to donate funds to help us pay delinquent 2023 property taxes, my goal is $2,100.00 (rounded up from $2,049.24 to include possible late fees. I have to have the funds by 11/30/2024 to avoid foreclosure from the Macomb County (MI) Treasurer’s office.

Here’s the link to use if you wish to contribute: PayPal.Me

Please donate if you can afford to, and please share this if you can’t. Thank you so very much!!!


…and the Angel who’s been helping me with the felines - their food & medical care - can no longer do so as of 10/1/24. She has family issues to take care of, as well as her own financial status.

Dudes/Babes/Pals - I dunno what I’m gonna do. Besides stay on my meds.