Well, fuck


google translate:

In the meantime, however, he seems to have drifted away in his activism. On his account at X in November, he posted four “demands of liberal Saudi opposition,” the first point: “Germany must protect its borders against illegal migration.” It has been shown that “the open border policy was a plan of Merkel to Islamize Europe,” he wrote in relation to the former Chancellor. In other entries, he openly sympathized with the AfD and dreamed of a joint project with the largely right-wing extremist party: an academy for ex-Muslims. “Who else is fighting Islam in Germany?” he asked.
In a video interview released eight days ago on an anti-Islam US blog A. more than 45 minutes of crude theses: The German state is setting out a “covert secret operation” to “hunt and destroy their lives worldwide” Saudi ex-music. At the same time, Syrian jihadists were granted asylum in Germany.


Inzwischen scheint er in seinem Aktivismus jedoch abgedriftet zu sein. Auf seinem Account bei X postete er im November vier »Forderungen der liberalen Saudi-Opposition«, der erste Punkt war: »Deutschland muss seine Grenzen gegen illegale Migration schĂŒtzen.« Es habe sich gezeigt, »dass die offene Grenzpolitik ein Plan von Merkel war, Europa zu islamisieren«, schrieb er in Bezug auf die ehemalige Bundeskanzlerin. In anderen EintrĂ€gen sympathisierte er offen mit der AfD und trĂ€umte von einem gemeinsamen Projekt mit der in weiten Teilen rechtsextremen Partei: einer Akademie fĂŒr Ex-Muslime. »Wer sonst bekĂ€mpft den Islam in Deutschland?«, fragte er.
In einem vor acht Tagen auf einem islamfeindlichen US-Blog erschienenen Videointerview breitet A. ĂŒber 45 Minuten krude Thesen aus: Der deutsche Staat betreibe eine »verdeckte Geheimoperation«, um weltweit saudische Ex-Muslime »zu jagen und ihr Leben zu zerstören«. Gleichzeitig erhielten syrische Dschihadisten in Deutschland Asyl.


the left will probably try to nuke them



“Brianna Mary Hannah, of Jacksonville, was at the United Airlines ticket counter on Thursday morning when she accidentally fired the North American Arms 22 Magnum while trying to move it from her purse to her checked luggage, police said.

Hannah told police “she was unfamiliar with the firearm and was unsure how to make it safe,” according to the citation. She had said her husband bought her the gun and loaded it for her, and she had only fired it once since owning it around Christmas last year.“

So much wrong in one place.


Dr Evil__'Responsible gun owners'


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That could be a scene from Airplane.


Or using the same actors, Police Squad. I can absolutely see Frank Drebin doing that.