Well, fuck

well, i tested positive for COVID yesterday. it wasn’t a complete surprise at all – in fact, i would’ve been more surprised if i had tested negative, since the past week has been one symptom after another, but the first clear one was when i lost my sense of taste and smell a little over a week ago. that prompted me to get tested, and the results came back yesterday. the thing is, my husband came back negative, and we were fully expecting us both to have it and (best case) he was asymptomatic. now we have to figure out how to keep him healthy while quarantining in our little house for 2+ weeks. ugh!


Oh dear! Good luck. Body-bubbles?


I’m so sorry! Hopefully though, if you’re this far into it and only exhibiting reasonable symptoms, you probably aren’t at risk for the really bad outcomes.

The big thing is if you can separate bathroom usage. Also, only one person should be cooking/doing stuff in the kitchen. Wash your hands every single time you go by a faucet. Yes, in your own home! Wear masks in your home, too. Don’t use the same electronic devices, especially those with keyboards. And obviously, you’ll need to sleep separately for the time being.


That really sucks! I truly hope you come out of it OK.


Yikes, so sorry. Quarantining my husband was a nightmare, but honestly, falling asleep on the couch while watching TV so he could have the bedroom and adjoined bath wasn’t so bad. He wore a mask and retreated into the bathroom when I came in to drop off food.


yeah, the past 12+ hours or so has been all about that. we now have a separate room for my husband to sleep in, and luckily we have two bathrooms. cooking is the next issue, since i’m the main cook, but we also know that it’s not transmitted through food that way, so it’s less of a feeling of urgency that way as long as we (i) practice safe cooking. but we might end up cooking our own food, which would be such a drag for me since i enjoy it so much – even without being able to smell or taste it.


I’m so sorry. I hope recovery goes smoothly! Looks like you and your husband are figure out a good protocols to keep him safe, at least.


yeah. we are kind of just assuming that it’s a matter of WHEN he catches it from me, not IF, but we’re taking all the precautions we can. a friend of mine who has had it (along with his whole family) said that the health department told him that you are only contagious if you have a fever, and i only had a fever for half a day two weeks ago, so if that’s true it might explain why he hasn’t caught it from me yet, even though i’ve had other symptoms for a week and a half. more questions i can ask my Contact Tracer on monday!


Also… throw the fuck fucking book at this fucking fuck.


what in the hell… who hates random animals like that? jeez.


My assumption is stoopid + meff.


(Hug). I hope you are back to normal soon.


thank you : )
the good thing i can report is, i seem to have a very mild case, and by the time i had my first clear symptom, made an appointment to get tested, got tested, and got the result, i might actually have been already on the mend. i seem to be improving every day, and i haven’t even been able to see my doctor yet.


I hope you get your sense of smell back!


it’s weird – it seems like i can smell one new thing each day – but that doesn’t mean i can taste those things. like, i can smell fresh mint sort of, but i can’t taste it. chopped garlic has a scent, but aside from a burn that fresh garlic gives, it doesn’t taste like anything yet. one of my nephews is a doctor treating COVID patients, and he says that the nerves in the nose grow at a rate of about 1cm per year, so it could take awhile to get my full sense of smell back. (but he didn’t say anything about taste, which to me would be connected, but i’m no doctor).


how many cms are required?


So this corona virus actually kills nerves?


I think it has an abiding passion for all tissue, given the weird shit I hear about strokes and weird organ failures.


I’m not sure whether it’s inflammation or tiny blood clots or both that do the most damage overall. I’ve read the virus can certainly infect cells all over the body, not just in the respiratory system.


i don’t know – i could ask my nephew for more specifics. but it sure killed my sense of smell for over a week so far. i have a friend in St. Louis whose wife and daughter are approximately 5 weeks from when they lost their sense of smell and taste, and they still can’t tell most things. i think my case was mild enough that i’m gaining senses back almost every day – tonight i could smell fresh basil! – so i feel extremely fortunate. who knows what the long term effects will be though.