What Are You Listening To?

I’m a bad gourd. Duh.



about $25 for 15 discs.

Currently listening to Bach’s cello suites.


My late father is smiling at you.

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That is one strange album, with three sides by E, L & P acting independently, and the fourth by the group. I do like the Piano Concerto, though. “Fanfare for the Common Man” is OK, but I really dislike the synthesizer sound Emerson used. As far as Aaron Copeland music goes, I like their take on “Hoedown” much better.

So a fellow ELP fan? If so did you ever see them in person?


No, I didn’t . My brother listened to them, so that’s where I picked up on 'em. My dad liked some of their music, too; and in the early 1970s excerpts of “Hoedown” were used on the opening to a local station’s hockey broadcasts in Detroit. Or was it an excerpt from one of the Impressions of “Karn Evil #9”?


I did the own the album that this is from:

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I’ve been a fan for decades, but I missed their Miami concert when I spent a summer in Florida in 1974, I think. I was there again a couple years later, and got tickets, but the show got canceled due to lack of funds (they were touring with an orchestra, “The Works Tour”). Then I got tickets again when I was in grad school; they were playing at the school field house. I was doing a project about 2 hours away by car and darned if a blizzard didn’t keep me from driving up for it. Finally, in the late 1990’s, I think, we got to see them on a reunion tour.

I did get to see Black Sabbath in FL in '74, though . . .


Sounds as bad as my wife’s quest to see Cristopher Cross (she likes her Yacht Rock)

First time—missed due to bad planning on our part
Second time—health issues on our part.
Third time—blizzard.
Forth time—Pandemic.


Wow, that beats my record.

The ELP concert we saw had a Led Zep cover band, Bonham. They were SO loud I could feel my chest moving in and out due to the bass. My wife and I had to move to the back fence of the outdoor venue to preserve our sanity and ears.


In the still of the night, I hear the wolf howl, honey
Sniffing around your door
In the still of the night, I feel my heart beating heavy
Telling me I gotta have more

It’s so weird to think of this as probably grocery store muzak now. It was such a blast just so few years ago.

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whoa, funny – i was in a thrift store on Weds and they were playing a classic rock channel, and Whitesnake came on. i (of course) sang along as i shopped, thinking about how stores now play all my Dadrock faves, lol. i also was sort of shaking my head at Whitesnake in general, because really, Adrian Vandenberg was the best thing about that band. he should be much more regarded than he is (was).


I’d wager every song from the PMRC hearings is on rotation at bland corporate stores across the nation. Maybe just the instrumental in some cases, but I think they won.


How about this one

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HAHAHA, this thread is like four years old and I totes forgot I’m the person who started it!

So, I’m seven days late, sue me.


Thanks for reminding me. I’ve been meaning to finish this.

I started back in '81 when my Sister’s then Husband would tape them off the college radio and mail them to me.

Then they got divorced and no more tapes.

My sister could have timed that better



I love them. Hoedown is really a fun one.


Me too. My intro to prog back in 1972-73 or thereabouts.

Hoedown is my preferred memorized song to blot out an unwanted earworm.