What Are You Listening To?

ooh, i love the Ozark Mountain Daredevils. good call.

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Listening and dancing to:

I was a Tintinnubalator in high school, so I love the bells in this song.

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Sister Rosetta Tharpe, creator of rock n’ roll, belting out pure joy in audio form.


I love the opening dialogue.

This is a 30 minute song/set, but man it takes me back. It’s solid. Rock n’ roll?, this just rolls and just keeps right on rolling. The sax solo early on alone is worth it. And it just gets better as it goes and they get more into it. Good old happy times music with a bit of rock and a bit of blues.

And then there’s this one, where the announcer suggests you smoke a banana, which is fitting.

I grew up a little too late to see either of those live, but late enough that the videos are readily available on youtube anytime. And that’s something I can be thankful for.


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honestly, i’m listening to a lot of Tony Bennett this week. the best of the best, as Sinatra said. watching his demise is so heartbreaking.


We like him a lot, especially the wife. But it’s amazing he’s lived so long, and performed so long.

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I’m never done being amazed by this woman. She is to me as Bessie Smith was to Janis Joplin. And I feel extra-lucky that it was my dad who played her music and let us watch (or not) her on whatever TV show she was on.


Please be sure to read the description:

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Interesting. If it is really them…

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