Whatcha Watchin'?

I wanted to like that show, but just could not get into it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Before I was just squeeing because PKD. (Dammit, I wish he was still alive. I hope Internet reception is good on whatever plane of existence he inhabits now.)

Now that I’ve had a chance to watch it – it looks very, very promising, and “the future is human” is a tag line that gives me hope.

I shall have to figure out when to shell out for Prime at the optimal time. Still have to watch Man in the High Castle too.


This seems to be my week for seeing major films I haven’t seen before. Right now it’s the original Total Recall, which got skipped the first time because a) violence and b) all the friends I would have seen it with were film snobs who wouldn’t have been caught dead watching something with Schwarzenegger in it, even if it was based on a PK Dick story.

It’s got the Verhoeven violence all right, but it’s definitely Phildickian.

Thanks Netflix!


At one time, I thought it was the most Phildickian of all the Dick adaptations. (I’m not keeping up with them all, so wouldn’t claim that now.) Even the usual Schwarzeneggerisms, you know violence followed by a dopey quip, felt right, the plastic cliched-ness of it seeming like the sort of thing that would be inserted into one of Dick’s artificial realities.


The kids and I watched Total Recall last fall, and it was the first time I had seen it in yonks. I enjoyed it, but it was less satirical than I had hoped, compared to Robocop or Starship Troopers, for instance. It was breezier than I remembered.

Story goes that David Cronenberg was originally in pre-production to adapt Dick’s story. But once Schwarzenegger expressed some interest, the studio contracted him and gave him his pick of director. Being a big fan of both Dick and Cronenberg, I can’t help but wonder what that version would have been like.


They have to print it out and read it to him


BEING: The MENTIONS OF PHILIP DICK [begins to slowly read very long list]

PHIL: Jesus Christ, doesn’t anyone read the books anymore? Oh wait, there was one… Are you sure we can’t get, whaddayacallit, streaming here? Mary and the Giant? No fucking way!

BEING: [reads on]


The Illinois Nazis were real:


I also saw The Shape Of Water, and I highly recommend it.

That’s why I’m a huge Del Toro fan. Lots of fantastical monsters in heavy makeup, but the real monsters are the humans.


First episode was good. I look forward tot he rest of them.


So far I’ve seen five episode.
Its a little hit or miss… but over all I like it a lot! I want to re-watch them, there’s a lot stuffed into each episode!

I just HATE the credit/intro, which admittedly is a weird thing to complain about, but we are in the age of excellent intro/credits! Westworld, Stranger Things, hell even Godless and Hell on Wheels had excellent ones! (And while I never skipped the theme song of Voyager we would scream like banshees if a single note of the theme of Enterprise played!) It sets the tone for the show, and that tone should note be “the 90s reboot of Twilight Zone”.


Season 1 is for “sale” (ie: indefinite lease to stream) on Google Play for $21.99 CAD.

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Its also available with my cable package on demand. :slight_smile:
(We have ALL the channels, and I do mean ALL, its obnoxious)


Ok, I finished the first season. Thanks for recommending I keep going forward.

Enjoyed the twist Very No Exit


Is that what I did?

I’m still watching but I thought the twist was a cop out.

Writing stories about hell is easy :imp:


As a fan of Paradise Lost, the story can only improve now that The Devil is on the scene. He always steals the show. Milton tried to redeem himself with Paradise Found but Jesus was no match for the Prince of Darkness] .


Yep. Maybe it’s because you brought it up, but that intro is bleh.

it’s not for everyone… I’m a sucker for historical dramas that have soundtracks produced by PJ Harvey and star Cillian Murphy though. YMMV, of course!



I have a colleague who has been hounding me relentlessly to watch this show. If you’re recommending too, I am moving it up in the queue. I didn’t know there was a PJ Harvey soundtrack.


She has a few songs in there, but she helped produce the soundtrack. The theme song is Nick Cave’s Red Right hand… and there are like about a million versions by different artists through out the series, including Harvey. It’s one of the few cases where a historical drama is marred by having modern music as part of the soundtrack. I usually hate that anachronism, but it works for this show.

And Tom Hardy shows up as the leader of a Jewish gang down in London, and he’s hella funny…
