Whatcha Watchin'?

Iā€™m sure he was hip deep in the Raegar/Lyanna drama, all in pursuit of being balls-deep elsewhere and angling for the throne even then.


What @AndyHilmer said above me, plus:

thatā€™s what I love about the story arc so far; all these lives wasted, all of these political machinations taking place and itā€™s essentially entirely fucking futile.

Once all is said and done, Winter will come and the entire fate of the human race (for what little it is evidently worth, in the grand scheme of things) ultimately comes down to a battle between forces of (magical) nature.

The intrigue that takes place and all of the emotional investment you put into the characters is meaningless; the universe has only ever been concerned about Fire vs Ice.

Littlefinger orchestrates what should be an epoch-changing series of master strokes aaaaandā€¦ dies just as ingloriously as any of the ā€œheroesā€ he has been manipulating.

Iā€™d say that it warms my nihilistic cockles but at the end of the day, such things are entirely meaninglessā€¦ :wink:


I watched more or less of the first 2 seasons and couldnā€™t get past how if winter is coming how come all the girls are naked all the time when the guys are weAring head to toe fur? Guess I was too literal. I just wanted to get those poor girls a blanket.


I watched up through season 6 and had successfully not watched 7, but Iā€™m getting sucked in.

Might have to find someway to watch it now.


I doubt it. He was a nobody until after Robertā€™s Rebellion, which is why he got into such trouble in the first place (being infatuated with someone far above his station). He didnā€™t start working his way up until after Lysa, who was besotted with him, married Jon Arryn, and helped him rise beyond a petty landholder.


Well obviously, itā€™s to point out the fact that women are tougher and better equipped to survive.


If they did, thereā€™d be nipple windows in them. /s


He orchestrated everything with Lysaā€™s marriage to Jon Arryn and everything about Arrynā€™s murder, which Lysa tells the audience in a neat bit of exposition just before Littlefinger murders her.

That tiny little aside that she delivers before she dies made me rewatch the entire thing and if he didnā€™t manipulate Lysa, Arryn would never get murdered, Ned would never get called to Kingā€™s Landing etc etc etc.

Itā€™s a genuinely masterful piece of plotting and my respect for George RR Martin went through the roof when I watched that episode.



ETA: Jon Snow is naked a lot. Ygritte (pictured above), not so much. There are some valid arguments to be made against GoT (White Saviour syndrome, the complete lack of positive sexual intercourse, seasons-long torture sequences, the apparent complete lack of editorial oversight etc etc) but ā€œOMG tits but no dicks!ā€ isnā€™t one of them.

The women that you see in the first couple of seasons all have their own character arcs and are all playing the Game just as much as any of the male characters.

When the male characters use their brawn and rely on the patriarchy of their world to protect them, they meet grisly, grisly ends. The men and women who donā€™t rely on that structure (canā€™t fight/wonā€™t fight/arenā€™t allowed to fight) tend to fare better but as I said in a spoiler-tagged comment above, itā€™s all rather deliberately meaninglessā€¦


I thought it would be poetic if the final scene is Tyrion sitting on the Throne in the otherwise smashed and ruined Great Hall, his little feet not even reaching the floor, everybody else dead.

Grumpy scowl at the camera. Credits.


The arc of The Hound and The Mountain. HBO Hound is hanginā€™ in there, kitty claws in whatā€™s left of his humanity. Mountain got turned into a motherfucking robot.


Ooh, look what I found!

Olefas, 1987. Was called Pathfinder for US audiences, but changed after Ridley Scottā€™s Pathfinder was released.

Dubbed in English.

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I donā€™t knowā€¦ Euron seems like a problematic wild card, honestly. He was certainly able to take the Iron Islands, but he had not been around the way that Yara had beenā€¦ in the short term, have a professional reaver as a part of your military force might be helpful, but heā€™s too chaotic to be a decent ruler. Heā€™ll end up being a problem in the long run, Iā€™d guess. So a good short term alliance, but not in the long term.

Yeah, itā€™s interesting, for sure! He has a central role to play in whatā€™s to come.


And thank god that heā€™s goneā€¦ all of this death and destruction could have been avoided with out him. But I think youā€™re underestimating the role that Varys has played, though. Both of them are critical to the chain of events, the difference is that Littlefinger did it for purely vain reasons, while Varys cares about creating a well ordered society with a modicum of justice.


i donā€™t buy it, but thereā€™s a theory out there that he helped fake his death with a faceless woman from Bravos, where heā€™s from. i loved his character, but itā€™s too far-fetched for me.


I agree with you, mainly because I just donā€™t think Littlefinger is as clever as he imagined himself to be. He just got lucky in his schemes early on and Sansa ordering his execution was just reality catching up with him. Also, heā€™s from Bravos? I didnā€™t remember thatā€¦ in my defense, itā€™s a complicated story!


well, i think he is exceedingly clever ā€“ you donā€™t survive as long as he did doing the things he did without being super smart and being able to outthink and out maneuver his opponents. i think perhaps he just got overconfident, and slipped up. he misjudged the Stark women, thinking they were still stupid kids, and that was his undoing. And yeah, i had forgotten he was from Bravos until i ran across the theory this morning ā€“ iā€™m still not even 100% sure thatā€™s correct, but here i am not bothering to look it up. :smirk:


Pretty sure heā€™s not from Braavos.
Heā€™s a Lord of the Vale, a title he inherited from his father.


thanks, Wikipedia! as things go, itā€™s both right and wrong: ā€œPetyr descends from a Braavosi sellsword who served House Corbray. His father befriended Lord Hoster Tully during the War of the Ninepenny Kings, and Tully took the young Petyr as a ward.ā€