Whatcha Watchin'?

Oh, sure. I can agree with that! But I guess it’s something that didn’t bother me enough to mess up my enjoyment of it for light entertainment. I liked Dark Matter, too! :wink:


I didn’t think Dark Matter was amazing, or even good, some of the time, but they did a good entry of new-franchise scifi. Interesting writing and character opportunities.


I’m watching the last season of Orange is the New Black. The acting is as strong as always, but the writing is super disappointing. It feels very after school special, the Prison Edition. They used to do a better job of weaving in topical material. These season it is really hitting things over the head. I’m almost finished and I will wrap it up just for the feeling of completeness, but I don’t have high hopes for a strong finish,


Yep, I quit on that show after the first season.

It’s another show where the idea had potential but the writing started off subpar and only got worse with time.

Jenji Kohan’s stuff usually goes to shit after 4th or 5th season; don’t even get me started on what she did with Weeds.

I haven’t been really invested since Poussey was killed; so I just decided to ‘nope’ out of watching the final season, and to just read the character synopses to find out what happened.

Based upon what I read, I’m glad I didn’t bother.

I am done with lazy writing and show-runners shitting on their audiences.


I’m actually disappointed I can’t keep hate-watching The OA

The story was fucking stupid but the acting and cinematography and stuff was pretty good


Too many dropped plot-lines, too little payoff for all the random weirdness, and again, writing that seems just lazy.

Also, I’m starting to lose my patience with writers who create despicable characters who do horrible unforgivable things, but then they never get any proper comeuppance.

If I want to watch bad people getting away with shit, I’ll just watch the nightly news.

Also, I finished s3 of GLOW; it wasn’t bad.



Fun fact: Joan Blondell’s ex-husband, Dick Powell, later married June Allyson. This musta been a fun flick to film!

Great exchange:
Carolyn Jones: Smart girls take what they can get!
Joan Collins: Smart girls get what they can take!


Started Derry Girls. It’s funny, captures living in a small town brilliantly where getting banned from the chip shop is a horrible punishment almost worse than death, but does another thing even better.

Northern Ireland in the nineties: soldiers are everywhere. Not in a dun-dun-dun way where it’s a foreshadowing that shit is going to (or has just gotten) bad, but as a background presence, because things have been bad for a long time now. Bombs aren’t terrifying, they’re annoying. It really shows how in a war zone, people just get on with life. (Not that it’s paradise or that it’s a good normal, but life needs to go on).


Another one of what? Am I being judged on what I watched now?

OH, I liked that too, so I guess I’m not smart…


It’s more about assuming that a TV show is “smart” or not “smart”… maybe I assumed that liking something that is “not smart” means I’m not smart… I’m probably not.


it is difficult to converse with you, when you accuse people of insulting you, when we did not

Sorry. I was wrong. My apologies.



I’m several episodes into The Boys and quite like it. At one point in my life, I thought the “evil corporation” was an overdone schtick. Sadly now, it just seems normal.


I liked Glitch too. Sure, it was bit of a silly story (and season three looks to be getting sillier) but I enjoyed the acting. And recognising where it was shot - in semi-rural Victoria, the state where I live. Locations are 2-3 hours away from my place, which is just down the road in Australian terms! Also have family who live in the region.

Oh, and that the name of the big bad company can be read as [spoiler]No regard[/spoiler]`’.


It’s okay to like different or even weird things, and you are hands down one of the smartest people I have the honor of conversing with.

Your taste in tv shows is not a reflection of your worth or your intellect, but damned if us humans don’t seem hard wired to incorporate external influences like media into our personal identity.

I’m gonna get anecdotal now;

Just last week, I got into a stupid but really nasty argument because I don’t like the same kind of music as this guy I used to date.

He was taking me home during a twenty minute car ride, and when dude asked me what I thought about the song he was playing, I should have just said “it’s okay” and changed the subject, because I KNEW better; I knew it was an argument, just waiting to happen.

But I didn’t listen to my instincts, and actually gave my honest opinion; it sounded like the exact same stuff he always played around me - monotone, substanceless, and repetitive… the same way pretty much all “trap music” sounds to me.

His response?

To try to argue me down into agreeing with his opinion, then by turning the music up even louder, as if the problem was merely the lack of volume.

Then when I wouldn’t budge on my opinion that I just don’t like the same kind of music he does accused me of “judging him” and topped it off by informing me that I don’t get to have an opinion of him…

Gurl… surely by now y’all can imagine my vehement reaction to some dude saying some audacious shit like that to me.

It got REALLY fucking ugly.

Long story short; luckily no blows were thrown (yes I was that mad) and no one ended getting out and walking, but I will never be speaking to that guy again.

I say all that to say this;


We are MUCH more than that, and we need to act like it, now more than ever.

And I’m telling you this, because unlike that obnoxious asshole, you have the mental and emotional capacity to actually hear me.


Here’s the song in question, and IMO it and every song I heard during that insufferable car ride sounded like straight up garbage:


I generally stay away from rap, because the mainstream stuff is dominated by misogynistic/homophobic, violent, self-aggrandizing, money-as-status garbage (i.e. country music that’s spoken at high velocity instead of being sung). I know that isn’t a fair representation of the entire genre, but, as someone who particularly enjoys talented vocalists and vocal harmonies, it’s just not worth going far enough into the reeds to find subject matter that I’d agree with.

…And that song, judging solely by the lyrics (I am not ruining my day by actually forcing myself to listen to it), only seems to confirm my impression.

I’m not going to judge someone for the aesthetics of what they listen to; that’s completely subjective. I will, however, judge people for the messages they choose to listen to. I know you said that your ex was accusing you of judging him, but, myself, I probably would have been judging your ex pretty harshly based on just that one song.


Not even “an ex”; just some jerk that I used to fuck with.

And trap music isn’t real hip hop by any stretch of the imagination, but that’s another conversation.


That’s the song he asked you about?

Like, has he ever had a conversation with you at all? /s


It was very good, although I admit to have wanted more. ITs such a complex history that there’s only so much they could put into one mini-series and have it make sense and not be overwhelming.


No, but it’s the only one I could remember the title of.

The question was, ver batim;

“So… what you think about this music?”

We’d talked about music before and my dislike of most new stuff that’s popular; it was a setup.

In all seriousness it was strictly a physical relationship on my end. Another guy whose body looks good, but that’s about it.

I think I may have mentioned before that one of my flaws is what I call the Diego Rivera Effect; as an artist, I’m often strongly physically attracted to aesthetically pleasing people, and that can obscure the fact that some of them are only beautiful on the outside.

Also to add to the anecdotes about our tastes not defining us; I talked to my mom on my lunch break.

During our conversation she happened to mention that she saw Dave Chappelle’s new stand-up, which has been deemed by many folks as offensive as fuck… and she loved it.
