Whatcha Watchin'?

Stingray was better.

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This was a fun little lighthearted family road trip movie in the style of National Lampoon’s Vacation. The dysfunctional family takes a road trip full of mishaps to try to get their daughter to a children’s beauty pageant so she can live out her dream, which doesn’t turn out quite like anyone expected.


I went to Tubi tonight to watch some classics. Someone had mentioned watching Rollerball (1975) and Logan’s Run (1976) as a double feature back in the day. And that’s what I was intending to do, and still intend to do, but I got distracted.

Tubi suggested a movie called “Horror High” with the description:

In a hypnotized town, a monster lurks near a high school and picks off tardy students one by one. Can an unlikely band of teen heroes end the terror?

So I tried to look it up, but apparently because that was already the name of a 1970s movie, on both IMDB and TMDB this new one is instead listed as “Tardy Terror”. Also according to them, it was made by some high school students and teachers with a $3,000 budget. No actors or anything like that. Just people who thought it’d be cool to be in a movie.

So I just had to watch this instead of what I was intending to watch. It was going to be really bad, right? The kind of so bad it’s good, maybe?

Well, no. It was actually pretty good. Not perfect, but it could certainly stand up to some of the recent big budget Hollywood movies. I think that’s pretty cool.

There were some things they could’ve done better, but I’m not gonna nitpick on a movie with a $3,000 budget and everybody just doing it because they thought it’d be fun.

Link: Horror High (aka Tardy Terror)


This is a legitimately great show. I enjoy Stingray because it speaks to my inner child. But this is as good as Mission Impossible, while being a little more fantastic.

Edited to add: This show also has diversity. Women play an substantial part, and then there is Lieutenant Green who is from Trinidad.

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We watched this based on a recommendation from the IHIBILI podcast. I can’t recommend this enough. Just find a way to see it. They have managed to capture the essence of the silent movie era (a la Buster Keaton or Charlie Chaplin), plus a fair amount of Looney Toons, for a reductive but effective comparison. One of the most remarkable things, to me, is that they stretch this concept out to nearly two hours and yet they never run out of jokes. Genuinely one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in years.


Kind of like an alternative to dead internet theory - culture ground to a halt about 20 years ago and now we’re stuck. Kind of interesting how much just hasn’t changed, doesn’t feel distinct, keeps getting rehashed, and how we don’t have a shared zeitgeist like we used to.

Of course he doesn’t mention politics, but I think that’s a fair thing to leave out as a separate topic.

Personally, I might set the point of departure more in the range of 2008-2010, when smartphones and streaming both took off. Despite all the examples given, I think the early 2000s still felt distinctly different before cultural isolation.


Relive the good old days of 2003.


Dirty Girl (streaming on Tubi, Prime, and Roku)

Surprisingly fun movie. It’s a teen coming of age road trip movie set in the 80s, with some serious family dynamics going on.

With actors like Keeley from Ted Lasso as the lead, Leeloo from 5th Element as her mom, Frank from Shameless as her very religious would-be dad, Tim McGraw as her father, and Dwight Yoakam as the father of her new gay best friend, and also an amusingly emotional bag of flour.


Godzilla Minus One is on Netflix now, and it’s an awesome movie… it might be the best Godzilla movie since the original… This Donation Derby captures it pretty well… I did the same!



I dunno, this one’s pretty damned good itself…

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I’m reading the book of the same name.

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It’s not starring our @Lucy_Gothro1 sadly… but it’s a fun, utterly ridiculous movie… nothing makes sense and it’s full of fake science and weird, random violence… 10/10 (as long as your not expected a “good” movie…




Watched this little gem last night. The description makes you think it’s going to be an average teen slasher horror movie, but it ends up being quite a bit weirder and funnier than just that.

As a copycat killer named after movie villain Cinderhella stalks the student body at Grizzly Lake High School, a group of co-eds band together to survive while serving detention.


Anyone seen this?

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So is it like “The Breakfast Club” only a horror film instead of a teen dramedy?