Whatcha Watchin'?

The film is as much a sequel to the Ed Norton Incredible Hulk film from 2008 (the second film in the MCU) as it is the latest installment of Captain America. The other Hulk film, starring Eric Bana and Nick Nolte, predates the MCU and is not part of the official MCU canon.


Yes, it would require some creative re-writing but not attempt to lose those elements. And bear down on his cowardice and bullying (when he is not at risk) – his essential characteristics. To lose those would miss the point – Flashman is an antidote/truth to all those fictional (and factual) heroes (the do-right, Christian, hypocrites) of mid 19th century British Empire, he is not a hero (and admits it frequently). I imagine a narrator would be a useful tool to describe the internal dialogue, but I am no writer.


In that sense, they feel very true to the comic book experience. I love a self-contained graphic novel or maybe a collected volume of one particular coherent storyline (though it’ll still be filled with references I don’t understand), but trying to follow an ongoing plot over dozens of issues over years or decades… I actually gave it a try, reading a couple Marvel series from their start in the 1960s for the first hundred or so issues, and I cannot remember even a single thing that happened. The movies are only slightly more memorable, not for lack of trying but because it’s just too many characters and too much stuff for the average human brain to keep track of. It would be like trying to keep track of the James Bond movies if James Bond were not just a different actor, but an entirely different character (or five characters, or ten) in every one.

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A Face In The Crowd, starring Andy Griffith (1957)
IMDB rating 8.2/10

This was Andy Griffith’s first role.

At the start, he seems just like you’d expect, a down-home guy with some down-home wisdom, humor, and anecdotes to share. But when he does that, it makes him successful. Too successful. So successful that he eventually goes totally off the rails entirely.

It’s really a great movie, and surprising to see Andy Griffith as a bad guy. Especially since, in a lot of ways, he’s very close to the same character as he plays in other shows - but just as if that same character had, in an alternate universe, a very different life and turned out totally differently.

So in this he manages to play both a very likeable ‘friend of the everyman’, and very hateable villain. And it’s the same guy.


That would be hard to pull off though; would people sit through a series with a character who has no redeeming features, nothing to sympathise with and who isn’t even a lovable rogue? Unless you watch it to see him get his comeuppance.


The antihero has a strong place in film and television. And, for all his faults, indeed because of some, he is lovable (mainly because he is honest about his faults) and definitely roguish. If you haven’t read the books it is not easy to pin down exactly what it is that makes him attractive.


Ah, that is different then; “lovable rogue” it is then.


Wow, that was pretty incredible. I’m not usually a fan of animated fairy tale-type movies, but that was great fun to watch, didn’t have most of the tropes that get on my nerves, and it doesn’t hurt that I love Vincent Price. There were a couple parts that dragged a bit but the rest more than made up for it. Now I’ve just got to figure out how to download a copy before YouTube takes it down for some reason and it becomes unfindable forever.

My favorite part (even though it’s an unfinished bit) is the final confrontation between the titular Thief and Cobbler where after chasing those golden balls for the entire movie and coming within inches of getting killed like 78 times in two minutes, the Thief at long last just goes “You know what? Fuck this, you keep 'em, I’ve had a LONG DAY” and buggers off.


I love the end, too. I love that the Thief has one motivation, and one motivation only, and it’s so great that the rest of the characters he is completely unaware of in his quest for more and more stuff. I love how they play with all the animation suspension of normal physics in that scene, too. He literally steals the show!


I just came across this anthology series on Netflix. The best description I’ve seen is that it’s a Thai take on Black Mirror, which seems pretty accurate. I haven’t seen many shows or films told from a Thai perspective so it was interesting to me. And I was impressed that some of the stories really took their time to play out.


The Pitt continues to just be awesome. One interesting thing I just found out about is one of the supporting cast members who plays a nurse named Jesse is an actual trauma nurse. His name is Ned Brower, and he started off playing in punk bands before becoming an EMT and then a trauma nurse. He sounds like a fascinating guy. I also totally didn’t recognize the actress who plays Dr. Santos. She’s Isa Briones, who played a pretty important part in Picard. Or multiple parts, technically.


Me and @lilbilliam staring at Kendrick like the Rock and Cena staring at Cody Rhodes right now…
(There’s no way this will be done well but I’ll hold out hope till I see it.)



Thank you. I will check it out.


People almost went crazy with this award. Everyone, I mean, the non-reactionary portion of the population, was very happy, it felt like the final of a FIFA World Cup. Fernanda Torres and Oscar were one of the carnival costumes favored by revelers this year.


This was good:


You can tell the intro was added and scene locations changed and flashbacks inserted to open it up from what was originally a two-hander play, but the playwright also wrote the screenplay and the direction and acting are top notch. Lots of twists and reveals and your sympathies will shift back and forth. Intense and thought provoking little thriller.


You just described Tom Ripley - five original novels and seven movie and one mini-series adaptations so far….


Just wrapped up the first season of The Terror…

It was excellent…


Agreed. Excellent all around.


It is so good. Adam Nagaitis in particular is amazing, acting-wise. The production design is phenomenal - it really looks cold.

Terrifying even before the bear shows up


