Blocked by the Warner Bros.
Ugh… if anyone finds an alternative link to it, post it here!
They are working fast and hard. They are removing it swiftly.
Yeah, I had no luck. Archive. org removed it already…
Anyway, it did not look great… Sort of reminded me of when John Kricfaulsci did the Ren and Stimpy revival, and it just… was awful. It was “look at EDGY we can be off Nick!” Fucking BOOORING…
I didn’t even know about this version of Ren & Stimpy. I guess I’ll just keep ignoring it. Oh, I saw a video of someone watching the trailer for this new PPG show that never premiered, which made the experience even stranger.
I watched the first episode of the new Daredevil. I thought the special effects were weak, which is pretty typical for Marvel these days. The story seems good, although goddammit. The acting, of course, is fantastic.
Love “Naked Beach Frenzy” but the rest was not funny.
Love OG PowerPuff Girls but the reboots have not been good.
If I had a complaint, it would be that they did a great job developing the main officers as characters, but I found that most of the lower deckers, other than Hickey and Goodsir, all sort of ran together. I kept forgetting who was who down there, even after they abandoned ship and headed south. And man, was Hickey an evil, sociopathic bastard - all the awful shit he did, because he thought he was right.
I guess I like to have a likeable main character; I don’t mind a rogue with a soft heart, or some character development; the main character in Ann Leckie’s Provenance starts off as crass and self-absorbed, but grows by the end of the book.
I have found to be very useful for that.
The way I found it was that a band I liked got a new manager who insisted that they take down a video that didn’t fit his vision of what he wanted for the image of the band. So they posted a thing saying basically “At the end of the month, we have to take this video [link] down, so if you like it here’s how you can download a copy [link] and after that you can do whatever you want with it, re-upload it anywhere you want, whatever, because we still own the rights to it until the end of the month.”
Half a decade later, that video lives on. At least on my Youtube channel. And the browser extension is still working.
I wish more artists/creators would do something like that. So much just vanishes and gets lost when the suits and paperwork people get involved.
Damn it George!!!
I watched the second episode of Daredevil. It’s damn near perfect. As a comment on a YouTube review of it says:
It absolutely baffles me that Captain America had as little political messaging as physically possible and yet they have Daredevil beating up corrupt cops who worship the punisher.
The show has basically turned Wilson Fisk into Donald Trump, albeit a slightly more competent version. The metaphor is about as subtle as a 2x4 upside the head.
ETA: I am not criticizing the lack of subtlety. Quite the opposite.