Whatcha Watchin'?

I just know that future historians will count seasons 7 and 8 of The Walking Dead as a farcical retelling of the Trump campaign and presidency.

Hint: They are all Trump.


Really I thought they were doing different movie and tv parodies. Chasing down the truck with the 50 cals was indiana Jones and this week with the rocket launcher and daryls arrival was loony toons.
Not sure what the neegan interview was frost vs nixon maybe?

I just saw Michelle Wolfā€™s new special, Nice Lady, which was pretty funny.
Not quite as much shock value as Sarah Silverman, which was a nice non-squirmy change. I like comedians like Kathleen Madigan and Sasheer Zamata, and this felt like that familiar territory.


Finally checked out Spider Man Homecoming; much better than I expected, considering I didnā€™t hear a peep from anyone about it.


I was watching the Infinity War trailer and thought to myself, ā€œHmmmā€¦i thought there was going to be a Spiderman movie with this actor.ā€

Then a couple of hours later I remebered there had been and Iā€™d must have completely missed it.

I blame reboot fatigue.


I may have mentioned it over at the Upside Down. I thought it was pretty great. Did you catch the very last scenes?



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Iā€™m not sure this goes in ā€œdeprogrammingā€ or here, but a fellowā€¦ survivor? and I finally managed to get together and watch the last episode of Horace and Pete. You know, Louis CKā€™s vanity project prior to the vanity project film that aped Woody Allen? The first half of the episode was a devastatingly on point depiction of life with an abusive father. It reverberated back through the rest of the series and retroactively made the previous episodes feel hollowed out, but in a good way. Hereā€™s a scene (trigger warning: realistic depiction of an abusive family dynamic):

Thereā€™s worse too. You get the impression that Louis CK is a survivor as well. We had to pause for a breather at the intermission.

The second half devastating in a different way, really cements the fact that the show is a tragedy.

Probably not cool to watch his stuff so soon after the accusations, but Iā€™d paid for it beforehand and hereā€™s a thread to talk about what weā€™ve watched that we thought was important and this was one show I thought was important.


This is what Louis CK does best.

Yep, itā€™s pretty spot-on IME.

Iā€™m not sure what people have going on in life where they have to act like this. Like thereā€™s no joy in life, just a constant beatdown that you have to pass on to your family because you donā€™t know how to deal with it. Toxic masculinity makes this seem normal and acceptable.

I could go on. This was my life too growing up.

I believe he was. When he was young, his parents split up and he moved to the United States with his mother. Iā€™ve gotten the impression from a lot of his work that his dad was really messed up emotionally.


Iā€™m sure it was passed on from father to sonā€¦ a rich history, as one of the characters says early on in the show[1]. Later on in the episode, you meet Grandpa and realize that itā€™s entirely in the realm of possibility that he was worse than Dad. Itā€™s part of the genius of the showā€¦ you watch it to the end and realize that the heritage, the generations that went into the building and maintenance of the pub carries this awful weight. Itā€™s been forever (OK, almost a year) since I watched Episode One where the scenes are laid out and you learn about the history of Horace and Peteā€™s, but even without rewatching, what I remember of it gives me the chillsā€¦ stuff that seemed funny and ā€œcranky olā€™ Grandpaā€ seem much more sinister now.

[1]I met my Dadā€™s dad andā€¦ yeahā€¦ I got the impression he was worse than mine. Just generations of patriarchy weighing down the next. If I ever have kids (not likely) I feel like Iā€™d be walking on eggshells all the time just to try and stop my self from perpetuating it.


I often wonder how different my siblings and I would be, if my father had been raised by his (thoughtful, generous, soft spoken) father rather than his (violent, mean, abusive) step-father. I think generational effects of abuse is most of the reason 3 out of the 4 of us will never have children.

Sorry for the derail. And now, back to your regularly scheduled program.


My roommate and I hit a moment of Marvel fatigue this summer and skipped it in favor of streaming. Itā€™s a fun movie, hit all the ā€œSpidermanā€™ just a kidā€ vibes. Birdman II stole the show, though.


I wasnā€™t mad at that, considering how trite and one dimensional MCUā€™s villains usually areā€¦


I love how heā€™s bitching about rich people making all this money doing shady shit and my roomie and I, simultaneously, start yelling at his character on the teevee.


Yeah, the hypocrisy was strong with that character.


And accurate.


Finally saw Thor: Ragnorok! Have to say I was quite pleased with it.


On lighter fare, started watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Iā€™m not sure that the fifties were like this, but itā€™s an effervescent, light series to take me through the dark months when The Good Place is off the airā€¦