Whatcha Watchin'?

Well, I guess I’m still not picking up on sexism when it’s in front of me. Feminists like @doyouconsideryourselfafeminist on Instagram are calling out Michelle Wolf.


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I’m not really familiar with her work, so I can’t say either way.


This person sounds deranged. I don’t know Michelle Wolf, but I’m taking her side here

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Rather than take a side, I’m inclined to just shrug and say, “Well, that happened.”

@doyouconsideryourselfafeminist may have a point, but she was far too incensed to make it clearly.


It’s not that I’m trying to tone police this Instagram rando or anything, it’s just that I don’t think she has a point. She can’t bring up a concrete example of anything outrageous. If not explicitly calling white men terrorists is offensive, and yet saying that men sexually harass women more than women sexually harass men is also offensive (???), then I guess we’re all offensive here. Her initial position is simply one I can’t get behind.

Michelle Wolf, on the other hand, tries to listen at first, then gets frustrated (oops), but points out that jokes aren’t literal truths, comedy shows aren’t feminist lectures, and then correctly points out what would be pandering and what wouldn’t be pandering. Pandering is bending one’s act to the whim of every rando who gets offended, as opposed to telling the jokes one wants to tell. Also, comedy is about jokes, and I say this as someone who is not at all a fan of standup. Most standup I hear is full of observational humor which rings true, is good for a few laughs, but doesn’t hold up to intellectual scrutiny. It’s enough to offer a funny new perspective, but not one that’s bulletproof enough to change my worldview or anything. That’s by design, I think. Comedy is light, and the intellectual stuff is heavy.

Keeping in mind that I don’t know the context, and that I was never provided with the context, I don’t think Michelle Wolf is necessarily anti-feminist or that @knoxblox feminism detector is broken. I think this Instagram person is a bit extreme, and Michelle is spot on about what comedy shows are and are not. I feel for every comedian who has to explain over and over again that what they do isn’t literal truth and isn’t who they are as a person… yet I’m still not sure what it was that Michelle had to answer for. That isn’t even clear to me. If I had to pick a side, I’d pick Michelle’s, because at least I understand her point.


I follow a few feminist accounts on IG, so the algorithm feeds me more in my open feed, and I run across a few of these from time to time.

I generally think that if something bothers me I need to check myself and be sure I’m not protecting my white male privilege. However, the tone from some of them is worrisome to me at the levels of the “dad joke” incident from last year when the alarmist level felt like it was way off the charts.

I think comedians like Michelle Wolf, Margaret Cho, and Sarah Silverman are funny, and I believe them when they state they are feminist. The fine minutiae of tone policing between feminist accounts on IG is quite baffling at times, and I find it difficult to separate the goodthink from the badthink when they call out celebrities and their platform.

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Yes, this is a good thing to do.

But I don’t think you’re protecting your privilege by not recognizing anti-feminist sentiment when there isn’t any. Do you really think that not explicitly calling white men terrorists is some big anti-feminist statement and should be cause for outrage? This is like saying that not saying the phrase “meat is murder” is an endorsement of meat.

This is why I’m not a SJW. It’s more of a contest to see who’s the most woke than actually fighting for social justice. It’s incentivized so that people who spout off extremist views are seen as more enlightened than those who are less extreme but actually walk the walk.


Now I totally need to watch that special. I’m familiar with Michelle Wolf, and usually tend to agree with her POV.

That person calling her out seems a bit… unstable.


Wolf I don’t know, Cho I totally agree, but Silverman’s jokes do nothing for me. I’m not shocked, I’m not offended, I’m not amused.

I do like Silverman’s feminism, though. I like her serious PSAs. So there’s that.


Agreed on Silverman. She does nothing for me. Seems like a comedien’s comedien.


Same here! I’ve never found her funny.


It is a bit meta. She did do one of the best versions of The Aristocrats though.

And yes you are supposed be feeling squicked by it.


@ChickieD @Melizmatic

I think her main shtick is showing she can dish out the shock humor better than the guys can. She’s not my favorite, but I have to give her props when she encourages narrow-minded people to put their feet in their mouths while pretending to be the naive one.
I miss Janeane Garofalo doing standup, too.


I hear Diddy (future primary owner) wants to buy the Panthers along with Steph Curry and others, and let Kaepernick start at QB.
First, YES!
Second, respectfully, IN YOUR FACE, NFL!

P.S. I had to double-check it wasn’t the AFL. :smirk:

P.P.S. I was mistaken. Kaep wants to be part of the ownership group!


Doc Martin, series 8. What a fabulous drama/comedy/farce combination. Great location, great acting, great plots, great characters.

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Recently finshed Hap and Leonard series 1 after reading the book first. Both are good dark crime caper gone bad fun but each have a different take on the same story.

And because I was reminded about Step Into Liquid the other day I watched Dana Brown’s next movie/documentary Dust To Glory which is about the Baja 1000. Those are some seriously crazy drivers but it sure does look fun.

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That doesn’t make much sense… Isn’t RG3 signed with the Panthers until the end of the world (given what Trump is doing)?


I saw misinformation at first. It appears Kaepernick wants to be part of the ownership group.


We’ve been putting off the last 2 episodes of Dark matter and have drifted into the third season of Enterprise instead. I just know that the ending of Dark Matter is going to be a cliff hanger… but if we don’t watch it, we can’t get to Stranger Things, American Gods, or the last season of Halt and Catch Fire.


apologies if this is mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but anyone else watch the Netflix series “DARK”?


i have thoughts…