Whatcha Watchin'?

What season is that? I think I’m somewhere in the middle of three

At least Lost in Space was reasonably good about the oreo placement.

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Season 4, episode 17.

There’s are many changes going on this season, and it seems to be taking on a theme of birth and/or renewal, which seems apt now that Ra’s Al Ghul and Solomon Grundy feature so prominently.

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Compiling is for old people. The future is interpreters “runtimes” all the way down

Stripping it of organs the Cheneys might be able to use?


Yet another question I never thought to ask myself: “What if Godzilla were remade as a psychokinetic feminist parable?”


Was it any good? I haven’t seen it yet…


I enjoyed it a lot. It’s a far more interesting twist than most movies of its genre.


Thats it keep fighting that battle to make all speed increases in hardware moot.


Mercury 13 is everything! Badass ladies flying planes in pearls and high heels? Check! The mention of “astronauttes” as an actual real title in a newspaper? Sure! Old ladies jawing about which plane they prefer flying theseadays? Yep. Love it.


Watching Bobby Kennedy for President on Netflix. He was already assassinated by the time I was born, but I used to think he had died when I was a toddler, because all the family grown-ups always talked about it like it had just happened. I’m pretty sure I knew who Sirhan Sirhan was before I started kindergarten.

The grown-ups had liked Jack, but they loved Bobby.


I’m finally getting into The Alienist. For the most part it’s good, but there’s one glaring costume error that is annoying me greatly. Not only are women shown wearing corsets against the skin, but in the case of Dakota Fanning’s character, they make a point of it.

Corsets were/are expensive and were always worn with some sort of camisole underneath. Sex workers might not have when they were on a job because time is money etc., but someone of Fanning’s character’s class would certainly have.

In a show which seems to have put so many pains into setting, costume, technology, terminology, and so on, it’s a weird mistake. If it’s a deliberate choice, it’s an odd one.


I was mildly impressed by the show – they didn’t mess with the story too much – but I swear that scene was just to give an excuse to let the camera get a good long look at no-clothes Dakota Fanning.

Of course, she and Mary are the only women really in the story*, both as love interests for the main male characters. Why research the intricacies of women’s clothes when we can just go for the “corsets, how torturous, amirite?”

*Reality is that most of the boys probably weren’t Trans- as we have come to understand it, but just incredibly poor and doing what they needed to get food and shelter. I liked the book, but Carr can be a little Tolkienesque when it comes to female characters.


And what’s really hilarious about that is the marks from the corset as shown in the show aren’t any worse than one might get from a bra when one has a bit of heat edema or PMS swelling.


Yup. I have seen deeper grooves in my shoulders, some days, and don’t get me started on my socks or waistband, some days (there is a reason women have multiple sizes of jeans, after all, but you don’t always know in the morning which pair you’ll need).

Not to mention that the true scandal (if we’re true to the times) was that she took it off at night. An attractive figure took constant “training” don’t you know.

Still, the show is overall well done.


I have been to Infinity War.

So of course I’ll spoiler tag this, but really, at this point in the MCU, you’re going to go to the movie or not, so really, I guess I don’t have anything to put here other than, "Yep. Its a superhero movie. Yep, those stakes are mighty high. Yep, A bunch folks die.


You mean like, in the movie, right?


Episode 5, Season 5, The Americans.

Damn, there’s some real gut punches in this episode. When Philip goes to Paige’s apartment, I started weeping by the end of the scene, and it definitely wasn’t because of the combat.


Just watched that one. Messed up


In the theater I was in, all deaths were on the screen.

Judging by the reviews of people crying over this movie, I would be led to believe they had a different experience


As a meta, I think it represents the futility of things most of the characters are dealing with right now.


Yep; it was a cheap ‘switch & bait,’ a flagrant attempt to manipulate an emotional response from the audience with ‘high stakes’ that ultimately don’t mean anything.

My kid cried; I was annoyed.

(In case it’s not obvious, I was less than enthused with the way the whole narrative was handled, not to mention that ending.)

Bring on Deadpool 3, stat.