Whatcha Watchin'?

For people who were dismayed at the cancellation, we were happy to get that; initially, netflix was just gonna leave us hanging.

But yes, it was a wonderful, beautiful, sometimes implausible show.

The idea of being able to share knowledge, abilities, memories, and experiences directly from mind to mind… that’s a hopeful fantasy of human evolution that I enjoyed seeing immensely.


Well, bigoted Buffy fanboys/fangirls are about to lose their shit, I betcha…

Straight out of ComicCon’s mouth:


Nice. Hopefully it’s not a straight reboot, because a lot of that early-season Angel stuff is just plain creepy in retrospect.


I never actually watched either show; I was in college when they aired, and I had something like a life… but I remember a gaggle of avid fangirls gathered in the common-space of the dorm every week for both of them…


Maybe not, since there have been several black Slayers in the canon.

Now, if the Slayer was of Native American descent, then bigots would lose their shit (Whedon doesn’t have the best track record with native representation or depictions either, yeesh).


A friend recommended Buffy 10-15 years ago. We recently saw all of it again. Really enjoyable due to the great characters, writing, and humor. Some of the episodes showed truly outstanding writing, way above average for a series.

And there’s Spike! Worth it just for him, but the whole package is terrific.


I hope they give Quvenzhané Wallis an audition! She’ll be in high school by the time shooting starts.


She’s adorable…


Part of the reason I put off watching it, because after they canceled it, I wasn’t sure they were going to finish it up. I’m happy they did…

Not me. I for one welcome more diversity in the Buffyverse!



8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown has returned.

Here’s the series premiere, a special all woman episode recognizing 100 years of British women’s suffrage.


Catching up with Season 09 of Archer. This year it’s a spoof of Tales of the Gold Monkey and other such “South Sea adventure stories.”

Not that impressed. Maybe there’s not enough decent source material out there to parody, or maybe the writers didn’t bother to look for any. And there’s quite a bit of what I imagine they thought was “ironic satirical racism” that feels like just regular racism.

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I guess I stopped paying attention after season 7 and didn’t know it had continued.

But now that you mention it, I might need to find my copy of Tales of the Gold Monkey and see just how bad it has aged.

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I am watching Babylon 5 for the first time (I didn’t own a TV set when it first aired).

And… parts are good, parts are bad. Some of the rationales offered for what humans are doing in space make Enterprise’s infamous gazelle speech sound good.

On the other hand, I am pleased with how alien the aliens are.




Recently watched the Transfiguration, a sort of vampire film with an interesting twist (and some overtones I’m not sure I’m entirely comfortable with, but I wont’ get into due to spoilers). IT had a wonderful soundtrack, a couple of songs, but mostly very eerie soundscaping. The actor who played the main character was pretty amazing, rarely expressing any emotion at all. I recommend it pretty highly, despite the somewhat troubling overtones. In fact, if someone does watch it (it’s on Netflix) I’d love to talk about it…

Also finally saw the docufiction-mockumentary Houston, We have a Problem, which explores truth and myth (and includes Zizek pontificating on such things) with regards to Yugoslavia and the Balkans. It posits an easy narrative for the early 90s failure of post-Tito Yugoslavia, related to space exploration. It reminds us that there are no easy answers, though. I’d love to talk about this one, too.

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I read about it before the premiere in, what, Starlog magazine, I think? We were blown away by the basic concept, the effects, the quality of the writing, the humor and the whole idea of a series long arc (new to me at the time). Of course that was in 1995. It was, by far, the best sf on TV we’d ever seen. And the exec producer, JMS, was an actual sf fan, not just some network guy who wanted to put on a scifi show (“now, let’s see, space ships. And aliens. And explosions.”. JMS had his problems with the network suits of course, and the fact that it was always a matter of “will it be renewed?” was really irritating.

Stick with it – it’s rewarding, despite some faults.


Next year will be a parody of Alien.

(As we’ll recall, the crew of the Nostromo called their ship’s computer “Mother.”)


I just saw the first episode Walter Koenig appears in. He’s so famous for Chekhov it’s easy to forget he’s a really good character actor. It was nice to see him playing a semi-baddie.


True Detective and Man in the High Castle both renewed for another season. :love_you_gesture:


If MitHC worth binging while I have my Amazon Prime trial?

Finally caught the The Big Sick, speaking of Prime. Worth watching indeed.