Whatcha Watchin'?

It’s a Monday night thing for me (Google Play).


Just watched.

A much needed reminder that the struggle is real, but not hopeless.


Me too. I missed week before last, but it was replayed on Saturday night on BBC America. I hope they continue to do that.


I was impressed by how quickly they immersed the viewer in that society. Ryan’s and Yaz’s reactions were really well thought out. I loved Yaz’s dilemma of where to sit on the bus. Just goes to show how ridiculously arbitrary it all was/is.


i’ll be watching it tonight – looking very forward to it.

EDIT: ok, just watched it. i thought it was very well done. i like the idea that it all didn’t play out because the doctor said anything to Rosa to make it happen – they just had to be there and that was enough. it was all Rosa. that was a nice touch. i was so teary at the end… Graham (?) (the grandfather) realizing what was happening and saying, “i can’t do this…” omg… the pain on his face…


Having watched two episodes I’ve got to say BAD, DON’T BOTHER :-1:

Sort of interesting premise, in the Twilight Zone / X-Files tradition, but the writing is just very amateurish, the same characters having the same conversations over and over and saying the most obvious things you could imagine. And it’s like science fiction written by Jesus freaks. “Maybe it’s a MIRACLE, maybe everything happens for a REASON” might turn somebody’s crank in real life, but it’s a cop out in a fictional story where everything happens because the writers say so.

I’m afraid I’ll get suckered into watching more of this anyway, like gawking at a train wreck. That’s what happened to me with Salvation.


Yuck. Thanks for the warning.

A fairly neat time travel show is Travelers, though we’ve seen only the first season. I just hope the writers aren’t making it up as they go along. I like the characters and the concept.


Don’t worry I’m sure there is an overall director in there somewhere, choosing how it will go.


cough Lost cough

Which I never watched but heard that it had a lousy arc.


I know someone who got really into Lost at first, then wound up watching the last couple seasons (and especially the last season) just for completion, not because they liked the show anymore.

She used to joke what was Lost was the plot.


That was me and Heroes.

First season, “OMG, this is awesome.”
Second season, “Holy crap… Too bad they didn’t kill off Sylar, but other than that, this is still great!”
[Insert Writer’s Strike]
Third Season, “Um, what? Okay…”
Fourth Season, “Wait, really? You’re… You know what, maybe it’s time for this to end.”




yep, i lived that exactly the same way. and then didn’t they try to bring it BACK?


We’re talking about Ron Moore’s Battlestar Galactica, right?


No, no, no.

That had the Writer’s Strike halfway through Season 4. The timeline doesn’t match.

Pfft. You’re one of those people who thinks there’s Star Wars prequels, and Highlander and Matrix sequels, aren’t you?


star wars prequels? of course. they are not wholly irredeemable.
highlander? they only made one, right? (oh wait, and that sequel i regret paying for, ugh…)
matrix? i remember sequels, but the first one is the only one that matters. it is known.


I see all your shows that started out decently and then went to complete shit, and I raise you one Dexter.

The last 3 seasons of that series were fucking abominable.

The caveat is that I completely lost interest by the second or third ep of the last one, because I discovered Breaking Bad.

After the seeing the pilot of that show, I was so invested in catching up, that I never resumed watching Dexter… which as I read later, was no loss whatsoever.

The finale basically shat on the series’ fans, but that shit missed me altogether, because I didn’t feel consumed by any ‘sunk cost.’

Since then, I can readily drop any show if it gets too unbelievable (or just too insulting to my intelligence.)


There was a Highlander TV show, because nobody can ignore Methos. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But there just might be debate about how many seasons it aired…

I am not a huge fan of the Ahriman
arc, and the last year was mostly forgettable, except for a rather good Joe Dawson/Methos teamup. Why didn’t they get a spinoff?

Endgame was an okay movie, but do not get me started about the Source.


I’m glad we agree. There was one Highlander TV show.

I haven’t seen it in a while, but I remember liking the idea of a Dark Quickening.