Whatchya Workin' On, O Creatives?

Nice work!

I feel that! I’m making a dice vault from some funky white oak. I made some templates to router out the interior chamber while the outside has seamless grain, but sanding the inside walls to get rid of the router marks and line them up was torture.


This is fantastic!


Chef’s kiss!


New album release:

Improvisation on modular synths & software, in the vicinity of drone / dark ambient / abstract etc.

100% of proceeds will be donated to Lambda Legal.

Notes are here.


made in collaboration with the electrician, this is the underside of the wall cabinets. these boxes, hidden under the cabinet bottoms, will get outlet faces on them.

the doors and drawer fronts will all be inset. to facilitate the opening of the face being more perfectly square than the cabinets, and therefore accepting the doors with perfect margins all the way around, we built the faces with a jig and then glued and shot the faces to the cabinets.

the base cabinets get 3 different sized drawers. to figure out what size drawer faces will go with the different depth boxes and also perfectly fill in the cabinet faces inset from top to bottom, we modeled it on the floor. we tried to do it with just math, but it was beyond us. we got it correct with the model


(post deleted by author)

This is my kind of ASMR trigger or whatever the kids are calling it these days.


Nice work!

I hate to be Mr. Advice-After-The-Fact, but as one who has spent time filing round holes into square ones (easier than enlarging round holes, I know) I feel your pain.

I have a hole saw like this one, and it does a very good job, especially in a drill press, which I’m guessing you have. They’re available in sizes much larger than 2". Lenox are good quality. I also have a cheap one bought for a different job, and it’s garbage.

For really big holes, I also have a circle cutter like this. Drill press only, more dangerous than it looks, but it does a nice clean job. I was using it just last week to cut a bunch of discs for a child’s toy. One side of the cut is bevelled, but by reversing the cutting blade you can get holes or discs as needed.


I have one of those large circle cutters that I use occasionally. Cannot overemphasize, unprotected blade moving at high speeds in close proximity to soft flesh is a recipe for bloodshed. Figuring out how to safely hold/clamp the object being machined that does not require fingers close to blade is critical.


I usually get help from a friendly neighborhood woodpecker, but then again I’m basically a Disney princess.



Yep. That there’s some mighty fine rectangles if I’ve ever seen some :nerd_face:


It’s a dangerously windy day

Otherwise, lovely weather for a parade


That’s me on the left (right arm w/ hourglass). The parade route was 0.3 miles. Pretty short, but it was still exhausting. I was going to wear a costume (mask, cape/robe), but thought better of it.

Background: our little city hosts a film festival (True/False) that kicks off with an anarchic march. The theme this year is “All the time”, so Father Time was an obvious choice.


HOW? I already don’t want to be in the same room with it.


everything is faced out in poplar and we can order the doors and drawer fronts. we put the glides in but we’re going to make the island before we make the drawers and shelves so the countertop guys can get started on the stone.

we also ran all the trim where we deleted the old pantry door a couple days ago. the gaps need caulk though.


amazing work, man!
what an absolutely cool project and cause!
i don’t work in such scale, but it seems the result would be extremely rewarding.
the only print work i have ever seen at that scale was Frank Stella or Robert Rauschenberg, and i was blown away.
would love to do a large-scale woodcut print on a 4x8’ (1.2×2.4m) sheet of plywood, but then, where to find a paper or press?
i have ideas!





You are wise beyond your years, young sqlrob. As @Docosc says, “a recipe for bloodshed.”. It’s one of the tools in my shop that falls into the category “so dangerous it’s safe”, because I will never be comfortable with it.


Remember to wear eye protection all over your body.