Hey, everyone! I’m trying to lean more into a vegan diet, anyone have good recommendations for vegan recipe sites that they have tried and found to be reliable?
A friend told me about the Purple Carrot meal kit delivery thing, which might be a good entry, but I haven’t tried any of those kit things yet.
Isa Chandra Moskowitz
Post Punk Kitchen
I don’t have recipes, but you might get some ideas from the menu at the local vegan restaurant: https://www.veganaf-vt.com/ They make very flavorful stuff that isn’t just a typical side salad.
If you keep Spam in the freezer long enough, it will turn white.
And when you cook it, it will smell like chicken.
”Science is working for you at the Eating Corporation of America!”
It won’t go nearly as well with pineapple if you do that, though! Or fried rice. Or…
Oof. Bad times for this.
The SPAM involved in this alert was shipped to H.E.B. retail locations in Texas; no other retailers are involved in this alert.
Oh, good, the spam musubi is probably safe.
Nava Atlas has amazing recipes. She has had them all online for some time now.
Hope those who celebrate it had a happy turkey day!
We’ve started on the time-honored post-thanksgiving tradition of trying to figure out how to work on leftovers and leftover ingredients, so for brunch I threw together ham, cheddar, and onion omelettes (with leftover rendered bacon fat to grease the pan)…
Mine got a bit more toasty than I intended, but the others were gone before a pic could be taken.
We don’t turkey, it’s just two of us, so paella! But unfortunately no photos because as soon as it was ready, it was eaten
Yes, Instacart, if the grocery store doesn’t have cheesecloth, go ahead and substitute a nutcracker. That’ll work, I guess?
Nutcracker, cheesecloth, same diff!
Well…I suppose if you didn’t have a nut cracker, you could put a bunch of nuts in cheesecloth, and then whack it with a hammer. But then you would think you would search for nutcracker. The coffee filters are ok…I think. Depending on what you’re wanting the cheesecloth for, there is a nonzero chance a coffee filter could do the job. But the nutcracker…