But… but… bioloigical males in teh bafrooms!!! /s
It’s the maximum allowed in rape cases in France.
France needs better laws.
The whole planet needs better laws…
So 20x70 = 1400 years. That would be a good start
We judge/assess people on the way they dress, they way they sound, why not the way they smell? It’s absolutely a topic worth looking into. Scent can bring up the earliest of memories, so it’s obviously viscerally important us as a species.
Well, it would be, if a man thought of it. /s
BRB, burning shit down.
This kind of abuse makes me want to say that perhaps women should have pseudonyms for publishing materials. But really, fuck that. Women shouldn’t have to blend in and hide in order to not get shit from awful men.
Nothing threatens a mediocre man more than a competent woman.
And this is where being pridefully ignorant gets you: at some point, there will be no more women or girls to rape.
I hope she sues.
And wins, big.