You can call me AI

I see what you mean, but I also don’t think that means that a likelihood of failure means Musk won’t try to do it anyway. After all, he’s the same person who apparently thinks, for one thing, that his ugly, ridiculous cybertruck is a winning product that will soon dislodge the Ford F150 from its top-sales spot.


Oh sure, he totally will try it, because, of course, he thinks he’s smarter than the rest of us… We know he’s not, though, and this will all be an unmitigated disaster… much like the cybertruck!



From my perspective, it definitely feels like eradicating trans people is part of the plan.


Agreed, it is. :rage:


I hate this distraction narrative that people keep throwing out. “The tariffs are just a distraction.” Yep, because we are all lucky enough to ignore a totally artificial recession. “The attacks on immigrants and trans people are a distraction.” Cool, except that doesn’t mean there aren’t real people having their lives destroyed by them? “The talk about Gaza is a distraction.” And I suppose the US taking a more active hand in genocide, the final collapse of international law, and the resulting wars across the Middle East will just be distractions too.

When a burglar lights your home on fire to cover his tracks, that’s not a distraction, that’s arson. His motive doesn’t change that you need firefighters there. We need to care about all of this stuff if we believe human lives matter.


True. Any thoughts about the AI thing?


Honestly it almost doesn’t matter to me. We already know that Elon Musk has seized control of the treasury, and the difference between “decisions are made by Elon Musk” and “decisions are made by Elon Musk’s LLM” seems minimal. I can’t even tell which is more likely to be stupid. The problem with technofascism is still the second half of the word.



Yes of course, but talking about one thing doesn’t mean you aren’t worried about anything else.

I for one would like to know what the hell Musk is planning to do with all that access and data the DOGE Boys are stealing. Sounds like aside from stealing some of it and other wise making billions more with it, he might be planning to run it through AI mills of some sort, and then try to run the government’s info system that way. Which is insane, and also why I posted claims about that in a thread devoted to AI. :person_shrugging:


Sure, I think all of us would.

That seems like what his plan is… but in order to impose a particular kind of society. They go hand in hand, I think. I don’t think focusing on the impacts of the path to get to an AI generated government is a distraction from figuring out what his “end” goal is… ultimately, the end goal is still fascism, and if the AI plan fails to deliver, they’ll fall back on the old fashioned way.

It might be helpful to think about how the nazis employed the modern ideas and technologies of their era. Mass media was pretty new, and proved an effective medium for promoting their political agenda. “Race science” was invaluable for justifying their actions, up to and including genocide. Even computers played a roll…

Just my $.02!


Didn’t he say we all just have to suffer for a couple years while they put their glorious plan into action? I think it was euphemistically described as “a haircut.”


While workers and the impoverished suffer, there will be money flowing to him and his pals for whatever tech solution he claims will fix everything. On top of that, they’ve probably got plans to profit from crashing markets and breaking every system he and his team touch. In the end, what his team wants is less of the rest of us…

We need to be prepared to fight through the short-term chaos, as well as the ugly next phase when they try to eliminate the marginalized groups that tech solutions couldn’t eradicate. They know how difficult it is to survive poverty in this country, how close most workers are to that line (even if most nearly-broke folks won’t admit it), and how easy it is to shove them over it.

Since he’s never been oppressed, what his team doesn’t understand is how we’ve managed to survive anyway. Maybe they’ll ask AI to solve that riddle for them. Since they’re so opposed to DEI in development, it’s unlikely that will provide the answers they seek. :crossed_fingers:t5:

Absolutely. We should also consider how the tech of today is so much more invasive and pervasive. They might be counting on how many of us grew up without it vs. the number they believe are completely dependent on it. What will the masses do if after their “Great Reset” nothing comes back online? :thinking:


Sure, an internal governmental ban on an app which calls back to a company that was dumb enough to leave their databases publicly accessible makes total sense, and there’s no telling what they’re doing with the info of chats that come in… but comparing it to tiktok is just downright performative.