Cultural Omissions

Yeah, I hear every man is forced to buy Squirrel Girl comics now. It’s the law.


I’m good with that. I don’t argue with anyone who can take out Thanos without working up a sweat.


No, this is precisely what I meant, actually. That’s a great example of policng subcultural borders. Hardcore punks started to make slam pits more agressive to “keep out” posers…

I’m not saying gatekeeping is positive or negative, I’m saying it’s a phenomenon that happens in subcultural scenes, for just the reasons you indicate. It can be downright dangerous for those muggles to get in and then try and attack a lovely gothboi in his frock. Of course, that’s why the rivetheads were there, to do some boot stomping! :wink:


and I started standing on the perimeter, to keep a boundary on them, so others could be shielded.

(how can I possibly pat myself on the back some more, right?)

I am glad I started this discussion, it’s gone neat places!


This reminds me of when a friend of mine and I decided we wanted to listen to more ska. We went to an all ages club one night – no problems, heard a lot of great music. (We were around 16 at the time.)

The second time we went a few weeks later, a girl tried to correct us on how we were dancing… we politely explained my friend had nerve damage from a childhood illness and couldn’t do the moves the girl was demonstrating. We told them we were happy to be off in one corner doing our thing and to be left alone.

Next thing we knew… I can’t say things got ugly, but it was made clear things would get ugly if we didn’t leave, so we left. And walked out right into a fight some guys from the club had taken outside.

Punks vs mods. 'Cos you can’t just like the music, you have to buy the whole package. Or else.

Somehow we dodged all that and made it home intact. I get safe spaces but to this day listening to ska feels like something a bit forbidden.


I think I’ve been at that club.

There is something to being 6 foot tall guy who clearly will deck you back, and recognizing the ones who ENJOY losing a fight and seem to have come for that purpose.

I don’t think it’s ska’s fault, I think it’s people. People are awful when they’re insecure.

my admission is -i have never decked anyone-.

I am non-violent. Religiously. Since forever. I had people who were violent to me when I was very small, and decided not to pay that back out to others.

But I look like I could hurt you. I’m not a small or weak looking person.





My personal musical identity;

That’s right. I’m a Ringo.


re: Punks (Rockers) v. Mods

I admit to seeing, and loving this movie:

(warning, bit o violence in this clip, okay, a lot but its a movie!)

(bonus Sting at the end!)

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and from your status as awesome, too. :open_hands:


What. The. Fuck. I’ve never heard of such a thing. That is seriously weird.


It definitely takes weird, far far too seriously.

Green-eyed monsters are just no good for normies.


Admission: I have never sent anyone a Selfie


Yeah, this has long been a problem with subcultures, that they can be safe spaces for those who are insiders, but they can actively deter people from participating sometimes if they don’t fit in just right.


In the spirit of the thread, I ask anyone who talks about what others do, to admit if they have or haven’t done that themselves. This is after all a thread about us, not them. :wink:


I once told two guys trying to get in on a pool game to get lost, and my friends chewed me out because they would have been happy to share the table.

In my defence, I’m usually the one being told to get lost, and that goes right back to kindergarten.


Me too :frowning: :wave:

Admission - I get actually lost a lot! I’ve never told a stranger to get metaphorically lost IRL (online though, quite sure I have!)


i’ve always liked the Mods fashion sense, but in Quadrophenia, those Mods were definitely punks (small P).


Honestly, the best part of going to goth bars was drinking and standing around being catty and gossiping about others. “OMG are they wearing BLUE eyeshadow?” - the part I like the best was the part I hated most about myself (when sober) - but godforbid I was the one being gossiped about! Then gossip/drama was bad mkay? :wink:


This thread is serving as a reminder that I ought to have been, but never was, goth.