Cyberpunk Dystopia Review

Scalable fabrication, compartmentalization and applications of living microtissues

OK, so I’m definitely with the Ukrainians on the need to defeat Russia in this war, but there is still something mightily dystopian about instructions on how to surrender to a drone.


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Youtube keeps recomending this channel to me. It’s like youtube thinks, hey we know you aren’t really into video editing software, but we thought you might be interested in dmca bullshit.

It all began, when a video editing software company decided that it didn’t need to honor a “lifetime license” agreement.

Other than this random youtube recommendation for three video rants on licensing stuff, I know nothing about the guy…

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Among the amusing comments on this:

Absolutely not the worst candidate out there, which is terrifying.

Prior to 2016, I would have just laughed and then dismissed this. Now, this brings me great concern.

Tbh, he might be the best Republican presidential candidate out there.

(Note: he’s running as Libertarian, not Republican)

It’s already clear that we allow criminals to be president. But maybe if two are running they will split the votes :crossed_fingers:

Also, his endorsements page is hilarious! It’s like a corrupted myspace page from an alternate timeline including such respected and esteemed titles as ‘pornstar’, ‘cannabis influencer’, ‘prison pen pal’, ‘lemon squeezer’, ‘yoga instructor’, ‘guy with a blog’, and of course, at the top ‘Joe’s fiance’. :rofl:

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I used Facebook for a couple years, I guess I should apply for my $2.

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Going tech-free is a really weird and life-changing experience.

In the olden days, before Covid, a bunch of us remote workers would travel in to the office once a month. I would set up in a corner and try to work despite all the distractions and everything inherent in being in a room full of people. Didn’t get much done, and mentioned that to one of my coworkers. She said “Yeah, I just write off office days. No work is getting done if you have to go in to the office.”

So next time I went, I just left my laptop at home. It was so relaxing and free-ing. I spent the day hanging out with and talking to people in other teams that I don’t normally interact with - marketing, sales, etc. Got a better idea of how the company runs and got to know people better. Didn’t get any of my work done, but that would’ve been the case anyway.

Actually being present and talking with people, instead of huddling in the corner with my laptop, was a huge difference.

Since then, I’ve caught myself a few times consciously just putting my phone away to actively live in the moment and be with people or think the thoughts you get when you’re bored or whatever. Sometimes I think all our modern tech has left us with a severe shortage of boredom, and we’re missing out on all that comes from that - socializing and creativity etc.

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… it’s not even “tech-free” really—these days we’re Luddites if we want to go back to 2006

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I watched this last week. Soooo weird!

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