Elections 2023-2024


Five of Pennsylvania’s ‘fake electors’ from 2020 are back on Trump’s 2024 slate



Full filing: https://docquery.fec.gov/pdf/977/202408199666437977/202408199666437977.pdf


My wife and I watched the the day 1 ceremonies of the DNC last night. Overall I think it was pretty good, but I have no fair comparison. I haven’t watched an RNC or DNC before, so I can’t say how this one compares. I think there was a lot of good energy in the room, and overall it feels like there’s a good chance for the Democrats this year.

There’s an extremely helpful comment with timestamps for all of segments, so check that out if you don’t want to watch over 6 hours of video. Here are a few of the highlights for me:


Jasmine Crockett was the one that MTG accused of wearing too-heavy false eyelashes, and I think she retorted with a description of MTG that had the words bleached-blonde-butch-bodied bitch - I think. MTG was also not addressing Dr. Fauci with his proper title, because in her eyes he’s not a doctor.


“Bleach blond, bad built butch body”. Not often those types get a dose of their own medicine.


… generations ago, party conventions were like any other big group meeting, where delegates and members actually did the group’s business and debated and decided things

As parties moved away from the “smoke-filled back rooms” model to the primary-elections model they use now, the conventions were left over as a vestige of the old system, and now they’re just scripted performances for the TV cameras

I remember when it was part of the ritual for commentators to decry the loss of authenticity and relevance, but I guess everyone who remembers the old days has now died off :thinking:




The 1944 DNC automatically nominated FDR, but it wasn’t until practically the last minute that Harry Truman found out he was on the short list:


On Thursday before the Vice President was to be nominated Hannegan called me and asked me to come over to the Blackstone Hotel to a meeting of the Democratic Leaders. I went. Ed Flynn N.Y., Mayor Kelly, Chicago, Mayor Haig, Jersey City, George Allen, Ed Pauley, Bob Hannegan and several others were there. They began to put pressure on me to allow my name to be presented to the Convention. I said no and kept saying it. Hannegan had put in a call to San Diego for the President. When the connection was made I set on one twin bed and Bob on the other. When the President used the phone he always talked in such a strong voice it was necessary to hold the phone away from your ear to keep from being deafened. I could hear both ends of the conversation.

Finally Roosevelt said, “Bob, have you got that fellow lined up yet?” Bob said “No, he is the contrariest Missouri mule I’ve ever dealt with.” The President then said “Well, you tell him if he wants to break up the Democratic Party in the middle of a war that’s his responsibility” and hang up went the phone.

To say I was stunned is put it mildly. I sat for a minute or two and then began walking around the room. All the people in the room were watching me and not saying a word.

Finally I said “Well, if that is the situation I’ll have to say yes, but why the hell didn’t he tell me in the first place.”

Addendum: The 1948 DNC was about just as nuts because the DemParty split into 2 other factions: The very “pink” Wallace folks and the Southern Dixiecrats. YIKES!


She’s not butch, though.

It seems gnc-phobic to me.


Meh… she has put out some rather creepy videos in the past about her crossfit regimen and showing off her body building. Definitely not my cup of tea, but for me it’s more the whole package… her lack of decorum (which caused the outburst) and absolutely insane rants about jewish space lasers and the like do not improve things with the creepy vibes.


To me, she comes off as one of the older synonyms for being butch in appearance: Mannish. I mean, I swear she has a more prominent Adam’s apple than most cis-women I’ve seen. She seems to me to be one of those women who act mannish to get into the patriarchal “old boys’ club”.

But this ^ is all derived from the traditional and very-limited view of what is feminine and what is masculine. And being human beings who, for the most part, get their first impressions from whatever’s in front of them via sight; unfortunately the archetypes? stereotypes? of human appearance have been ground in.


Well, she was talked about as a possible VP pick this year…tho I think 2028 we’ll hear it more in relation to another possible candidacy…

There’s a solid bit of alliteration in her speech from last night, as well.

Will a vindictive vile villain violate voters vision for a better America or not?


Verily, vanquish the vexing villain!


… won’t Harris and Walz be running for reelection in 2028 :confused:


yep, i 'spect yer correct.
