I never said “this way is the best way” or “that way is wrong.” I simply stated my response to the situation, just as many have been doing.
If it helps anyone then great! If not then so be it.
I never said “this way is the best way” or “that way is wrong.” I simply stated my response to the situation, just as many have been doing.
If it helps anyone then great! If not then so be it.
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Don’t beat yourself up, I think all of us here, including us foreigners, are all aware that it’s a really shit situation for you all over there at the moment, so we can understand the anger.
But in turn, maybe suggesting potential solutions during this period of mourning is not really what’s needed, so…
You are not. It’s a really stressful time for everyone except Trump followers, election results have been heartbreaking not only for people in US, but all around the world. I don’t talk much here, but your posts and opinions are incredibly helpful in such difficult time.
There’s nothing wrong with your reaction to this. You’re good.
If my post sounded preachy that’s my fault and I apologize. I’m not a good communicator, which is why I don’t contribute to many threads. (That plus the fact that I’m boring as hell!)
Panic & fear are perfectly normal reactions to dangerous events. I see those reactions as powerful motivators for action, but I fear that if they are not put in check they can become destructive.
That’s all my post was about. After the shock fades, we all need to go on with our lives, ideally building something better as we go.
I think one of the most worrisome things I hear post-election is how many of my Mexico friends simply have no clue about Trump’s true nature, wondering why I’m so upset about the outcome. It makes me wonder how many Latinos in the US are still swayed by his bullshit?
I think we can assume the average American voter is grievously ignorant of politics, and I see no reason to assume the Latin voters would be any better informed than the rest.
I suspect that Il Douche seriously appeals to the machismo aspect of Mexican (and other Latin American) cultures, as well as the patriarchal, traditionalist, conservative religious aspects. It is soooo disappointing to see folks vote against their own interest, but this in particular is bizarre, considering that he has built his whole political career out of demonizing Hispanics in general. But honestly, the vast majority of Trump voters are white Americans who absolutely cannot claim ignorance. They voted for a fascist because that’s the worldview they want. Period.
If you ask me, I believe there is a definite distinction, in that the average American voter hears that dog whistle and knows exactly what Trump is going on about, but keeps it under wraps as most racists are wont to do.
Me too, but I don’t think conceding has any legal meaning. It’s not required and it can be taken back. (Not that it did Gore any good ultimately.)
Money is more important than climate change, reproductive rights, women’s rights, veterans’ rights, et al.
And those who voted for him are so uneducated, so tired of working multiple jobs; yes, make them work more for less, then the gaslighting gop well claim to “save” them from the “bad” economy! What do we expect? Our society is profit-driven, gotta get that green, make that moolah! Poor fools! Poor us! (but literally!)
It seems like every time I build up the courage to get outta my house and co-mingle with others, this kinda thing happens. Like when the pandemic first hit - I was on my way to re-establishing my stand-up avocation, and then…well, you know what happened after that.
It’s not just a matter of fearing others, it’s the fear that I might lose my cool and do something stupid.
I have to take those surveys with a grain of salt.
Just because Trump voters say they support him for economic reasons doesn’t mean that it wasn’t really about the racist/misogynist/xenophobic/anti-LGBTQ/anti-“woke” message of his campaign. His real selling point is and always has been the hate. Even when his supporters can’t admit it to themselves.
It’s a handy excuse.
[weary mental wanderings only; seriously, skip this comment] After 24 hours of some of the darkest mental states of my life (and i’m not without some doozies); a lot of which was spent in electoral denial (trump did say something like “you don’t even have to vote, we’ve got this!” …so if putin,musk,thiel (oh my) spread a half billion cryptobucks over two dozen critical tech workers… nah. you just end up sounding like them/George Soros -sigh-)
i’ve fetched-up concluding that one half of the country’s voters are low information selfish suckers, and without getting myself into too much trouble i’ll place ingrained cultures of toxic masculinity on the idiot half. After the second Bush election, i thought my opinion of the population couldn’t go any lower - oh, how wrong i was. So i’ll go to my grave [looks at watch] with a sour impression of my fellow citizen, and expectations of a full-on Idiocracy to replace Franklin’s “republic” unless there’s a miraculous massive renewed funding for public education and laws passed against vile institutions like fox"news" - i’ll not be holding my breath, (unless it’s part of a scheme of selfish demise). Until then, at least a brief period of “внутренний изгнанный”, a handy bit of Russian, for ‘internal exile’. certainly selfish, but it saves on suicides.
No. I’m not gonna endure another “don’t blame the American electorate or the Republicans, blame the Democrats” rant today. It lets all the wrong people off the hook.
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