You can find him on the Hill, though. A website I will never again visit.
Preview no worky: It’s an editorial saying that Elon Musk deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.
You can find him on the Hill, though. A website I will never again visit.
Preview no worky: It’s an editorial saying that Elon Musk deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.
I think you deserve a Nobel peace prize if you read that and aren’t immediately inspired to strangle that person with Elno’s intestines…
It was written by Liz Peek, and the exact op-ed was published on multiple sites. So I guess a lot of these sites let someone just pay to publish stuff? I have no idea how that works. However it works, it’s another failure of Mass Media.
Some interesting positive evolution re: coverage and focus here:
(the sidebar at right is a new explainer; I know they recently did a restaffing including their web presence admins)
and also:
There were protests in multiple states (not just in the south) over the weekend, but so far the only coverage beyond Los Angeles was published by Newsweek, of all sources :
Really, Democracy Now!?
IIRC, you showed footage from multiple college campuses every GD day when it came to protests about Gaza. Where’s your “cover the protests” energy now?
This one happened yesterday; my daughter said it seemed like half of her school didn’t show up - it was “dead.”
Note (relevant to the topic) this is an AP wire story, not local reporting, which I couldn’t find. Nothing at all in (what’s left of) the WaPo.
Not much coverage, but it is here as well
Chicago as well.
And ATL…
Cut off headline:
Semafor Keeps Hosting “Restoring Trust In News” Events Stocked With Known Right Wing Bullshitters
Exactly what merit is Lara Dump bringing to the table? I don’t think any job (or singing recording) is based up any of her merits.
is “nepo-in-law” a merit-based hiring category?
is blatant suck-up hire a merit thing?