Are you suggesting the media is complicit in letting TFG control the narrative and draw attention away from, say: his private talks with Alito and attempts to get his sentencing halted, the J6ers demands for reparations, Cannon continuing to be in his pocket and subverting the rule of law, etc., etc???
I’m shocked! Well, not that shocked. Pissed, though.
It is almost funny that Tromp thinks he needs to threaten corporate media outlets into being his lap dog stenographers. They’ve pretty much been that for nearly a decade now.
Wow, people are going in but not giving things 110% until they burn out? Sounds like a terrible new problem. People have never done their jobs really half-assed before, there’s definitely not a Simpsons joke about that being the American way from 1995.
Dr. Hamilton is a thought leader in the fields of leadership, sales, marketing, management, engagement, personality, curiosity, and motivation. To help improve relationships in the workplace — and performance as a result
She is the creator of the Curiosity Code Index® and Perception Power Index
With a Ph.D. in Business, she has taught over 1,000 business-related courses and is a qualified Myers-Briggs and a certified Emotional Intelligence instructor.
She’s just a consultant inventing the next thing for businesses to panic about and hire her to fix. Another capitalist grifter.