Game of Thrones, final season discussion ☠ SPOILERS WITHIN ☠

I can definitely see Bran/The One-eyed Raven warging into Nymeria at the climax of the battle… :thinking:


Holy crap, yes… although the Bran we saw in the last season was rather disconnected from everything. I don’t know if I can see him getting involved.

One thing I’ve been wondering is which existential crisis will be resolved first - will the war between man and the white walkers get resolved or will there be a final resolution to who sits on the Iron Throne first… I’m leaning towards the bigger problem getting resolved first (white walkers)… primarily because I think it fits with Martin’s preference for not necessarily going along with the whole heroes narrative cleanly. I think the resolution to the Iron Throne issue is going to feel like a bit of a… not a let down, really, but at least a bit anti-climatic? I’m leaning towards a Dany/ Jon alliance on the throne, although it will end up feeling like a compromise once they learn the truth about who Jon is… or it will just be Jon, because Dany will have a meltdown once she learns the truth about his parents.


I’m ambivalent about that. Yes, he was, but the only time it really stood out was when he was talking to Meera Reed, and drove her away. I think he might have been playing at being more distant than he was, to deliberately alienate her. If he didn’t have a stake at who won the war between the living and the dead, he wouldn’t have need to come back to Winterfell.


You don’t think it stood out when he started talking about Sansa’s wedding to Bolton, too? Although now I’m struggling to remember if he knew about the wedding night…?

But yeah, I can see that with regards to Meera. But I guess that means that they might not bring the Reeds back up at all, despite the fact that her father is the one person who was there who could corroborate the story about the Tower of Joy… I guess everyone is just going to trust Bran and Sam. I suppose in the books, the Reeds will play a larger role in revealing Jon’s parents to the world.


I remember him showing sympathy for what she endured that night, but I might be misremembering; I’ve only seen Season 7 the once. I do certainly remember him repeatedly (although admittedly with a deadpan face) taunting Littlefinger with what he knew about Baelish’s treachery.


one could also say that he wasn’t really DIS-connected as much as he was HYPER-connected, which results in his… disconnectedness, lol.


Yeah, it’s kind of understandable, if you think about it. Hopefully, he’s all in for the final battle with the white walkers… it’s an all hands on deck situation.


I think it would be a weird for Martin to set up Bran’s inheritance of the mantle of Three Eyed Raven if it didn’t go anywhere.

The whole point of the character is that he is essentially omniscient and exists everywhere in history at once, just as a world-ending threat appears for the first time in aeons, with no historical record of the last time it was defeated.

“Oh, I see how they did it before and could fix everything if I wanted to, by warging into a wolf/dragon/human as needed. But honestly, you people are just awful. Go white walkers!”

Actually, that’s probably exactly how it will go, knowing Martin… :thinking:


Sooooo. I’m spit balling here but Bran can warg into humans and animals alike, right?

Would it be too much of a leap for him to warg into the chief white walker…?


i’m currently all on board with the theory that all the Brans through history are all THIS Bran. he’s Bran the Builder, and any other ones in the Stark history, and this is how he finally comes full circle. That character desperately needs a big payoff.


That would fix things too easily for it to be a plausible solution.


As a sacrifice at the ultimate moment? It’s fantasy, not fancy.

Fix? Who said anything about fixing?

Bran sees the destruction that humans’ petty politics cause, decides that Westeros is better off without them, uses his omniscience to avoid the killer blow that the humans have set up and leads the white walkers to victory/crushes everyone except the wildlings, who are the true descendents of the First Men.

It’s not entirely implausible. As Martin himself says, “if you think this has a happy ending, you’ve not been paying attention.”

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And as a vanity project he murders all the craftspeople, learnedpeople, and other peasants? That’s what this horseshit monarchic fantasy has always fucked off?


That seems more plausible than “Bran swoops in to save the day, House Stark prevails, Dany and Jon have cute incest babies and everyone lives happily ever after.”


But then what is the point of everything else in the story? He could have done that at the end of Season 6, and saved everyone else the hassle. Or the previous Three Eyed Raven could have rather than letting the Army of Dead overrun his cave.

Bran as a source of information to help defeat the otherwise-unbeatable foe? That makes narrative sense. Bran as a deus ex machina that renders everyone else’s efforts to defeat the White Walkers pointless? Not so much.


He’s only inhabited one human of damaged intellect (which his time jumping tragically caused). I don’t believe he can warg into normal humans or the Night King. Dany’s zombie dragon, though? Yup, I bet he can warg.

We just binged all 7 seasons between x-mas day to the end of January. Like @Melizmatic, I don’t totally love this show, but it was interesting enough to keep watching. We can’t get HBO on Dish, can’t get Direct TV, and won’t pay absurd amounts of money to Crapcast, so we either fork over $15/mo to stream HBO for 2 months, or wait for the Blurays and shell out $30. I’m leaning toward waiting because Mr. Kidd will want the disks to complete the set anyway.



It took me ten months to do that. Largely because I had to keep taking breaks to watch stuff that was less dreary.


But can he warg into a zombie ice dragon?

That’s our plan. I’ll bet they’ll be out by fall, because they’ll want to have a variety of box sets for X-mas…


No doubt, but that would have meant not exploiting the property to full profitability.