Injustice Systems

But D’s ex hasn’t given up. He’s already filed to appeal the order.

This is what kills me. Why isn’t “I don’t want to see you anymore” good enough?

The ex can’t possibly imagine they’ll get back together. So what is it? Just control, it seems.

The anecdote the judge told about the ex dropping the claim after being told her attend via video call was telling as well.


(I have to use Reader View to see anything on IGD)


reminds me of this

@MarjaE there’s what you might call flashing.
  1. Although other types of fraud can and do happen under socialised medicine, this particular type of fraud would be nigh-impossible on this kind of scale. Just saying.
  2. This is a great example of how “white collar crime doesn’t hurt anyone” is wrong. All of those providers have refused people access to care due to costs, guaranteed.

or their kids will go into foster care

Joanne Van Saun, who runs the local agency, told CNN on Saturday she feels her agency was weaponized to threaten families.

“We exist to protect and preserve families. The only time a child is taken out is when they cannot be maintained safely in their home,” she said. “Our agency has helped many children and families with paying rent and buying clothes. We know children do better when they’re with their families.”

Van Saun said the district’s letter made her staff’s job harder because people are usually already angry when they have to deal with her agency.


from the pro publica article

He used his favorite billing code — 99215 — to bill Glavin’s insurer, United, the claims show. The code is supposed to be used less often because it requires a comprehensive examination and sophisticated medical decision-making, warranting higher reimbursement. In all, Williams used the code to bill United for more than $20.5 million — without apparently triggering any red flags at the insurer. For that code alone, the insurance giant rewarded him with $2.5 million in payments.

A different specialty, but the explanation brings it down to earth.

CPT Code 99215 can be used for a high level of complexity appointment, and it is only used in 5% of visits. CPT Code 99215 is a level five code that should only be used for an patient with an established history. Billing with this code could produce up to 25% more in reimbursements that CPT Code 9214. However, attempting to bill with this code when it does not apply could welcome in audits. But, there is absolutely no reason not to bill with CPT Code 99215 when the situations warrants it. This is why understanding the regulations is very important in so many ways.


Tennessee is one of the few states that has laws against this.


I know for Ontario health Insurance (OHIP), some claim codes can’t be submitted alone – there has to be other codes submitted with, plus often previous codes submitted for the same patient. There often have to be diagnosis codes submitted as well (ie they’re the point of the procedure that fits with the claim code).

From the little I know about the American system, there are similar safeguards. If the private companies aren’t using them, and if the government isn’t making them use them to keep consumer costs down… Don’t know what to say.


I just want to point out that as my mother was an immigrant to the US, I’m as much a US citizen as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is. But I’m substantially whiter, so no one has told me to go back where I came from.


…at least not since that horrible day at the casino.


You’ll have to explain that.

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Not sure where to put this. Right wingers claim that higher education is unjust to ‘conservative’ students and professors. An in-depth study by a researcher (who also happens to vote Republican, so, no worries about bias that way) says otherwise:



The professor sounds like what I’m coming to think of as an “actual” conservative – conservative, but fact-based.

The “conservatives” who seem to feel the most biased against are generally not fact based, at least what they have grievances about.

If you stomp out of biology class because you don’t “believe” in evolution, it’s not being conservative that’s the problem. If you discover in political science class that no, the writers of the American Constitution did not explicitly say they wanted the republic to be a Christian nation, and you freak out, being conservative isn’t the problem. If you can’t accept what your statistics assignment is telling you about the ethnic background and gender of most mass shooters, you being conservative isn’t the problem.


I agree with this. Something that is really cool about this generation of college students is that they are extraordinarily diverse. Along every axis of diversity. Including the axis of “appreciates facts and is receptive to them.”

Something I see in my (majority white) family is a real resentment of education. I’m the first in my family to go to college. And the resentment towards me is palpable. They want to make 6-figure incomes. But not go to college. Or retrain in skills. Or vote for people who would raise social services to the point where you could go to college for free, or have a decent and debt-free life on 50k a year.

And so they attack the idea of college. Well, why don’t we get rid of algebra in high school and teach budgeting? I bet you ivory tower eggheads can’t use your fancy algebra to figure out how much you’ll owe on a credit card if you only make minimum payments!

White grievance studies people need college to be stupid, useless, and biased.


Family member of a friend likes to say “oh that’s just your education speaking.” First time I heard that I thought “say what?”


Dog’s fault. He entered the kill zone. /s


Let’s think about the trajectory involved in shooting at a dog supposedly running toward you so quickly you think they’re about to attack and yet somehow shooting the adult woman down the road instead.

So: the officer in question doesn’t know how to de-escalate a situation, or how to shoot even semi-accurately…or, let’s face it, he could have meant to shoot the woman after all. That would be the simplest explanation.

Or, you know, both: incompetency AND maliciousness.