It’s hard to watch the women trying to cope with the abuse and still remain Fox News friendly.
I’ll read later, but I figured QEII would’ve been the one to bring the hammer down.
Addendum: Hmm, interesting.
Royalist coverage is so gossipy. I figured Charles had two major objectives, Queen Camilla, and sidelining his brother.
This is so not surprising:
I don’t know about Dean. From what I’ve read, I don’t think he was a predator at all, if he even screwed around. Very introverted. But this infuriates me…just…fucking a, seems the stars that try to do the most charitable stuff are the ones covering up their crimes (need I say Cosby?).
Bitch, tell it to your victims.
Yeah, good luck with that. Victims become abusers, sure, but that is not a path you have to go down. Therapy is an option for adults who wish to do better than their parents.
So tired of the assault of social media spin for Johnny Depp. He is trash.
Does he have a Russian Z on his hand?
Meaning: Johnny got this tattoo soon after his adoption in the Comanche Nation on May 16, 2012. On May 22, 2012, Damien Echols (Johnny’s friend) tweeted that he got a similar tattoo on his left hand. He tweeted,
I got a similar tattoo on my left hand in honor of my friend who was brought into the Comanche Nation. The ‘Z’ or the zigzag is a common Native American symbol. The straight horizontal line in Native American glyphs represents movement upon Mother Earth and closing connections with Father Sky. If the centerline of the Z slants left it indicates the path of the soul – the journey the spirit takes and the walk that is made on within the spirit. If the middle line in the Z slants to the right, this indicates forces that call loudly to a person’s soul – passions or issues that compel a person to take a chosen path of life. The two horizontal lines (top and bottom – connecting the middle slant line) indicate the journey of life and the understanding as we walk upon the grounding plane of Earth – we are also living the life of Sky. These lines definitions are common to Plains Native Peoples of North America.”
and he’s such a charming guy:
His “Scam” tattoo…
Meaning: Earlier, Johnny had the tattoo of his ex-wife, Amber Heard’s nickname, ‘SLIM’, which he later got the tattoo modified into ‘SCUM’ when Amber filed for divorce in 2016. However, in 2018, Johnny again got it modified into the word, ‘SCAM’.
Anyone who has Hunter S. Thompson as a role model is fucked-up in the head.
When I was in college at Tulane, my main extra curricular was video production. We had this tape that no one was allowed to ever watch - I never even saw it until recently - of Hunter S. Thompson at an event with Abby Hoffmann.
The story was he showed up late with a lady of the evening who then injected him with somethin.
My college friend posted it on his Facebook feed recently. I tried to link it but it’s not allowing it to post; if you are on facebook and want to watch it, pm me and I will hook you up.
I just did, m’friend! Thanx!