Molesters Being Outed

Wow, thank you for all that info, even the icky stuff.


He actually does have some pretty cool tattoos. I can never think of things I’d want on my body permanently.


You can scroll down through two other crime-news articles and get to Ghislaine Maxwell’s, btw.

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I’ve got five and they’re symbolistic to me, but if I got another it would be “Please do not resuscitate”. And maybe “Turn over” on my back, just in case.

And as you can see in the illustration, he’s the kind of person who wears a mask below his nose.

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I don’t even GET why seemingly-sane women go after some of these guys. Or if the guys come after them, how they allow them in.

But then again, I’ve been there, just not with someone famous.

And this guy…he doesn’t have the same rep as Johnny Depp, nor do I think he has the same strong fan base because he’s not mainstream enough, nor has he Depp’s long career. I don’t think it’ll be a carbon copy of the the Heard/Depp trial. Even if he is best friends w/Depp.

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Soo, as you may or mayn’t know, I’m fascinated by the Manson case and how it really should’ve woken the world up to manipulative men and why people did what they did, ad infinitum. My son was commenting on it, saying something along the lines of oh he was just some crazy guy. And I informed him that no, it was more than that.

And then he told me about this person, of whom I had never heard before.

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It seems insane that anyone would miss the red flags with Manson, but she was very young and men who are superstars are incredibly good at singing siren songs. He has had a long career and a fan base, but I think his reputation is much more dangerous than JDs.


Women are raised to ignore the red flags. When I look back on my teenage years, there were older men who tried to groom me, and succeeded to an extent - but only so far.

Another reason such men fear going to prison: They know how molesters are treated in there, and I don’t mean three squares and a cot.


I’m done with organized religion. I mean, I was never a part of it, but now I’m actively railing against it. Because how can any organized religion claim to do good when it does evil to its own?


When I listened to the first season of the Breaking Down Patriarchy podcast, it was so eye-opening about how spirituality was before the current Western organized religion - the goddess worship - and how there was a co-opting of the power of women to bring life through birth through religion. Like, circumcism - gotta have a penis to participate in that important rite. And how the Adam and Eve story uses a lot of the symbols from major goddesses - the snake, the trees - to change the narrative that Adam is superior to Eve. A lot of religion is very specifically designed to manipulate women into providing free labor to men, to viewing women as vessels for providing men offspring that will also provide free labor to men, and to viewing children and women as possessions.

I highly recommend to listen to their first 4 shows where they discuss Riane Eisler and Gerda Lerner’s work. Just those shows alone are transformative.

Although I think there are ways within a religion to come to a different view of the world, there is a lot of the structure of these big religions that enforces men’s dominance over women and children. And there is a lot of our judicial system that is built upon these religious foundations. Judaism is really a form of law at some level, and it evolved some previous legal systems, and these laws in turn have become the foundation of our legal system. There’s a good book that discusses this aspect of Judaism called The Gift of the Jews.


Yeah. If you’re a farmer, and your biggest threats are famine and disease, you’re likely to respect cats, snakes, and birds of prey. And so lions, snakes, and eagles are popular symbols in near eastern Mþr-Gddss iconography. If you’re a herder, not so much. Especially not snakes.


I dunno…snakes like ankles, and herd animals got those…of course, it depends on what animals are being herded and where.

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I meant respect as in “the snakes protect the granary,” not “the snakes threaten the sheep.”


Oh, okay, gotcha.

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