Molesters Being Outed

It’s too bad that full emasculation falls under “cruel and unusual punishment”.

It’s some consolation, I think, that he more than likely will be charged if more evidence comes up (eyeroll…do they really need more, or are they just tired of the case?). But not much.

She isn’t outing the guy, but instead his behavior - and her shame. This is the kind of rape I’ve experienced. TRIGGER WARNING, natch.


I don’t wanna get started on this…I’ve read all of Pamela Des Barres books, I’ve read about it elsewhere, and I’ve experienced it on a small scale myself (not from rock stars as a teen, just adult men).

Will we ever, ever, EVER stop this hypersexualization of minor females, or is it too late? What kind of society do we have that allows men of fame and/or power to use them, as well as allowing girls to think being a groupie is a viable occupation as a teenager? And don’t get me started on Pamela Des Barres, though she did have family trauma that I think sparked her seeking out that kind of attention. I wonder why she (and I) thought that giving a guy a blow job was a great way to say “Thank you for being you!”, with that not being reciprocated (for the most part). And Jimmy Page really fucked her up. But she’s got books, read 'em & judge for yourself.

Read up on Sable Starr and her friends. Here’s a start:

Addendum: Sable, at age 15, once yelled at Pamela, aged 24 at the time, “Give it up, you old bag!”, sending Miss P. to the mirror to search her face for signs of “decrepitness”.


I knew it was bad, but I knew nothing about his daughter, Erin, & Tyson!

Addendum: Awwww, shucks - NOT!

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I never did like him, except he did a decent job in “Galaxy Quest” (not as good as Alan Rickman, though…or the rest of the cast, LOL!).

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I’m not familiar with OnlySky, but I’m pretty sure this must be a parody site. It’s hard to tell these days.

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The site isn’t but the article may be…?

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Not sad at all about this, and I don’t like being a vindictive person, but FUCK that guy.


Adam Sandler positively lionizes Jerry Lewis. But then again, I never like Adam Sandler, either. Well, maybe in “50 First Dates” where he doesn’t act like whatever he think he’s acting like.


I’m so glad I wasn’t raised Christian. But then again, my dad didn’t want any competition.


$100 million? Where are they going to get it? Bet they immediately declare bankruptcy.


Watch the video, as he explains the WV system better than I could. There’s no scenes of graphic anything, except paperwork.

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