Molesters Being Outed

You can’t bankruptcy your way out of a settlement like that.


According to the FA, WV has some kind of insurance plan that’s paid for by the taxpayers; again, as I said above, watch the video, as he explains it better than I can.


As an atheist, to me it’s not so much the concept of one or more deities being bad; it’s how they’re used to cover up the badness of their worshippers. And there’s going to be people who are good people who will be adversely affected by this. That makes the abuse all the more worse.

Does any of that make sense, lol? Ooooh, and it’s one of those cities named after a saint - that’s gotta hurt! :smiley:


I really agree with this… I see religion as a social tool, that can have good or bad impacts. There is certainly a strain of social justice views in the Catholic tradition. Liberation theology, for one, has shaped resistance to authoritarians in South America. There are people in the American labor tradition like Dorothy Day, who very much embraced Catholic doctrine to advocate for workers rights. Even some of the current Pope’s writings have focus on economic and environmental justice…

As for this case, I’m guessing that the Church will find a way to step in and help with the bankruptcy and to ensure that any of their well-fare programs are not disrupted (at least I hope so!).

I do wish that Pope Francis would take a much harder line on those who committed these awful crimes. The crimes and their cover ups have hurt Catholics all over the world. His duty should be to doing all he can to reduce that harm and get the people impacted the help and support that they need.


She’s still alive, 86 years old. I hope Larry is, too. And she auctioned off her crown in 2021 and gave the funds to Denver Public Schools, according to her Wikipedia page.

Somehow I always find it easy to think the worst of Russell Brand.




Using neurodivergency as an out for committing forcible sexual assault is not cool.


Indeed! Also, it was a fucking Bar Mitzvah! What was he thinking?!?


A hard dick has no conscious thought.

Addendum: Or a conscience.

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Under the “couples ruse”, according to the lawsuit, Mr Ballard “engaged in a ploy where he would tell the women that if they were offered alcohol, which is forbidden by the Mormon church, that she should take the drink and then open mouth, kiss him and spit the alcohol in his mouth, and then he would spit it out when the traffickers weren’t looking”.

Claims included in the lawsuit include an allegation that Mr Ballard pressured the women to share a bed and shower with him on sting operations, and coerced sex acts from them, purportedly “to maintain the appearance of a romantic relationship at all times” to avoid making sex traffickers suspicious of them.


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It’s all good!

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I don’t think there are rape accusations, but it appears that H.K. Graebener, the neo-Nazi cartoonist, was also pro-rape:

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Meet the ‘pursuer of nubile young females’ who helped pass Arizona’s 1864 abortion law

The Arizona Supreme Court has decided the law is still relevant. So let’s talk about the guy who led the body that passed it.

Perspective by Monica Hesse


I’m shocked… SHOCKED, I tells ya!