The nature of the business that employs me involves acquisitions and divestitures.
When we divest a site, I need to push a new local admin account.
I’ve taken to setting this new account with the nicely secure looking password of AteVI7V3o9.
I finally had a former coworker (who went with the divestiture) tell me that he had been singing Tommy Two Tone once he realized what the password was.
I’m… not entirely sure which end of the rodent that hand’s coming out of, but the anatomy is pretty unsettling either way. Judging by the rest of it, it’s coming out of the rear. And the glove’s been removed, and I’m not sure if that’s better or worse…
Meant to mention sooner… first jump my mind made was to Hudson Hawk, which left me wondering what “Swinging on a Star” had to do with that. No, memory, that was Tommy Five-Tone. Completely lost until I noticed the roman numerals.
I remember when Stacy’s grandmother said, “Call me, maybe”, but I was in a relationship with Sylvia’s mother at the time. I tried later but her number had changed.